seguito Africa
[pagina inizio voce]
Huster, Pierre
La sécurité alimentaire n'est pas pour demain / Pierre Huster
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Huster, Pierre
Télécommunications- L'Afrique attend son satellite / par Pierre Huster
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Huston, John (1906-1987)
African queen / un film de John Huston
Paris - L'avant scene cinema, 2003
Incluso in > L' avant-scene cinema
Testo Monografico
Huston, John (1906-1987)
La regina d'Africa = The africa Queen / (diretto da) John Huston
Milano - Fowentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Italia (distr., 199-)
Huszti, Nicole
Guinée- La France fait des sourires / Nicole Huszti
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Hutchful, Eboe
From 'Revolution' to monetarism- the economics and politics of the adjustment programme in Ghana / Eboe Hutchful
Incluso in > Structural adjustment in Africa / edited by bonnie K. Campbell and John Loxley
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Hutchful, Eboe
Les militaires et le militarisme en Afrique - projet de recherche / Eboe Hutchful
Dakar - Cordesia, 1989
Testo Monografico
Hutchful, Eboe
Military policy and reform in Ghana / by Eboe Hutchful
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Hutchful, Eboe
Smoke and mirrors- the World Bank's social dimensions of adjustment (SDA) programme / Eboe Hutchful
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
Testo a stampa
Hutchinson, John (1884-1972)
A botanist in southern Africa / by John Hutchinson
London - P.R. Gawthorn, 1946
Testo Monografico
Hutchinson, John (1884-1972)
Flora of West tropical Africa - the British West African colonies, British Cameroons, the French and Portuguese colonies South of the tropic of Cancer to lake Chad, and Fernando Po / by J. Hutchinson and J. M. Dalziel
London - The Crown agents for colonies
Testo Monografico
Hutchinson, John (1884-1972)
Flora of west tropical Africa - the British west african territories, Liberia, the French and Portuguese territoires south of latitude 18. N to Lake Chad, and Fernando Po / by J. Hutchinson and J.M. Dalziel
London - published on behalf of the governments of Nigeria, the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone and the Gambia by the Crown agents for Oversea governments and administrations
Testo Monografico
Hutchinson, Sharon E.
A curse from God Religious and political dimensions of the post-1991 rise of ethnic violence in South Sudan / Sharon E. Hutchinson
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Hutchinson, Sharon E.
Dangerous to eat- rethinking pollution states among the Nuer of Sudan / Sharon Hutchinson
Incluso in > Africa - journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures
Testo a stampa
Hutchinson, Sharon E.
Una guerra nella guerra- la violenza etnica nel sud Sudan dopo il 1991 / Sharon Hutchinson
Incluso in > Afriche e orienti - rivista di studi ai confini tra Africa, Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente
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