seguito Africa
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Hutchinson, Thomas J.
Impressions of Western Africa - with remarks on the diseases of the climate and a report on the peculiarities of trade up the rivers in the bight of Biafra / by Thomas J. Hutchinson
London - Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1858
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Hutchinson, Thomas J.
Ten years' wanderings among the Ethiopians - with sketches of the manners and customs of the civilised and uncivilised tribes, from Senegal to Gaboon / Thomas J. Hutchinson
London - F. Cass, 1967
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Hutchison, Alan
Chinas African revolution / Alan Hutchison
London - Hutchinson, 1975
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Hutchison, Alan
Chinas African revolution / Alan Hutchison
Boulder - Westview, 1976
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Hutchison, Charles Francis
The pen-pictures of modern Africans and African celebrities by Charles Francis Hutchison - a collective biography of elite society in the Gold Coast Colony / by Michel R. Doortmont
Leiden ; Boston - Brill, 2005
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Hutt, Antony
North Africa / Antony Hutt
London - Scorpion, 1977
Incluso in > Islamic architecture
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Hutt, Graham
North Africa - Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia including Gibraltar, Pantelleria and the Pelagie Islands and Malta / Graham Hutt
St Ives, Cambridgeshire - Imray & Wilson, 2005
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Hutt, William Harold
The economics of the colour bar - a study of economic origins and consequences of racial segregation in South Africa / W. H. Hutt
London - Published for the Institute of economic affairs by A. Deutsch, 1964
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Huttenback, Robert A.
Gandhi in South Africa - british imperialism and the Indian Question, 1860-1914 / by Robert A. Huttenback
Ithaca ; London, 1971
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Hutton, Catherine
The tour of Africa. Containing a concise account of all the countries in that quarter of the globe, hitherto visited by Europeans; with the manners and customs of the inhabitants / Selected from the best authors, and arranged by Catherine Hutton
London - Bladwin, Cradock and Joy, 1819-1921
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Hutton, William Holden
Nouveau voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, traduit de l'anglais de William Hutton, ou Description ge´ne´rale de l'inte´rieur de l'Afrique ; augmente´ d'un vocabulaire de la langue africaine et suivi d'un traite´ hygie´nique a` l'usage des habitants
Paris - Chassaignon, 1832
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Hutton, William Holden
A voyage to Africa- including a narrative of an embassy to one of the interior kingdoms, in the year 1820; whit remarks on the course and termination of the niger ... By William Hutton late acting consul for ashantee ... Illustrated whit maps and plates
London - printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, paternoster-row, 1821 (London- printed by A. & R. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square)
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Huwaydî, Fahmî
L' altro versante del dialogo- la parola ai Musulmani / Fahmî Huwaydî
Incluso in > Africa
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Huxley, Elspeth Joscelin Grant
African dilemmas / by Alspeth Huxley
London ; New York ; Toronto - Longmans Green and Co., 1948
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Huxley, Elspeth Joscelin Grant
The African poison murders / Elspeth Huxley
London - Melbourne, 1986
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