seguito African - Africano
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International African institute
Selected annotated bibliography of Tropical Africa / compiled by the International African Institute, under the direction of Daryll Forde ...
New York - Kraus Reprint, 1969
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International African institute
South-East Central Africa and Madagascar - general, ethnography, sociology, linguistics / compiled by Ruth Jones with the assistance of a panel of consultants
London - International African Institute, 1961
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International African institute
West Africa - general, ethnography, sociology, linguistics / compiled by Ruth Jones, with the assistance of a panel of consultants
London - International African Institute, 1958
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International African Institute - Research Information Liaison Unit
International register of organisations undertaking africanist research in the social sciences and humanities, 1970
London - International African Institute, 1971
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International african seminar (1. ; 1959 ; Kampala)
Social change in modern Africa - studies presented and discussed at the first International African Seminar - Makerere College, Kampala, January 1959 / edited by Aidan Southall ; foreword by Daryll Forde
London (etc.) - published for the International African Institute by the Oxford University press, 1961
Testo Monografico
International african seminar (1. ; 1959 ; Kampala)
Social change in modern Africa - studies presented and discusses at the First international african seminar, Makerere college, Kampala, january 1959 / edited by Aidan Southall ; foreword by Daryll Forde
London (etc. - Oxford university press, stampa 1969
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International African seminar (11. ; 1972 ; Dakar)
Modern migrations in Western Africa - studies presented and discussed at the eleventh International African Seminar, Dakar, April 1972 / edited with an introd. by Samir Amin ; foreword by Daryll Forde
London - published for the International African Institute by Oxford University Press, 1974
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International African seminar (12 ; 1972 ; Lusaka)
Town and country in Central and Eastern Africa - studies presented and discussed at the twelfth International African Seminar, Lusaka, September 1972 / edited with an introduction by David Parkin
Oxford - International African Institute, 1975
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International African Seminar (13. ; 1972 ; Niamey)
Pastoralism in tropical Africa - studies presented and discussed at the 13. International African Seminar, Niamey, december 1972 / edited with an introduction by Théodore Monod
London (etc.) - published for International African Institute by Oxford University press, 1975
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International African seminar (3. ; 1960 ; Salisbury)
African systems of thought - studies presented and discussed at the third International African seminar in Salisbury, december 1960 / preface by M. Fortes and G. Dieterlen
London (etc. - Oxford university press, 1965
Testo Monografico
International African seminar (4. ; 1961 ; Dakar)
The Historian in Tropical Africa - Studies presented and discussed at the fourth International African seminar at the University of Dakar Senegal 1961 / ed. with an introd. by J. Vansina ... ed altri ; Pubblicato a cura dell'International African Institute
London ... etc. - Oxford University Press, 1969
Testo Monografico
International african seminar (4. ; 1961 ; Dakar)
The historian in Tropical Africa - studies presented and discussed at the fourth International african seminar at the University of Dakar Senegal 1961 / edited with an introduction by J. Vansina, R. Mauny and L.V. Thomas
London (etc.) - published for the International african institute by the Oxford university press, 1964
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International African Seminar (5. ; 1964 ; Zaria)
Islam in Tropical Africa - studies presented and discussed et the fifth international African Seminar, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, January 1964 / edited with an introduction by I. M. Lewis ; foreword by Daryll Forde
London - Oxford University press, 1966
Testo Monografico
International African Seminar (6. ; 1964 ; Ibadan)
The new elites of tropical Africa - studies presented and discussed at the sixth International African Seminar at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, July 1964 / edited with an introduction by P. C. Lloyd ; foreword by Daryll Forde
London - published for the International African Institute by the Oxford University press, 1966
Testo Monografico
International African Seminar (7. ; 1965 ; Accra)
Christianity in tropical Africa - studies presented and discussed at the seventh International African Seminar, Univeristy of Ghana, april 1965 / edited with an introduction by C. G. Baeta ; Foreword by Darryll Forde
London - Published for the International African Institute by the Oxford University Press, 1968
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