Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 6199 di 6756       

seguito African - Africano [pagina inizio voce]

International African Seminar (8. ; 1966 ; Addis Ababa)
Ideas and procedures in African customary law - studies presented and discussed at the 8. International African seminar at the Haile Sellassie 1. University, Addis Ababa, January 1966 / edited by Max Gluckman ; with an introduction by A. N. Allott, A. L. Epstein and M. Gluckman
London - Oxford University press, 1969
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International African Seminar (9. ; 1968 ; Dar es Salaam)
Language use and social change - problems of multilingualism with special reference to Eastern Africa - studies presented and discussed at the ninth International African seminar at University college, Dar es Salaam, December 1968 / edited with an introduction by W. H. Whiteley ; foreword by Daryll Forde
London - published for the International African institute by Oxford university press, 1971
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International commission of jurists
South African incident - the Ganyile case / International commission of jurists
Geneva - International commission of jurists, 1962
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International conference of C.A.F.R.A.D. (1. ; 1965 ; Tangeri)
Report of the first international conference of C.A.F.R.A.D., held from 23 to 27 march 1965 at Tangier on the subject of - ?the ?adaptation of structures of public administration in Africa and to the tasks of development
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1965 )
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International conference of the socialist countries' Africa historians (2. ; 1977 ; Budapest)
Sources and historiography on African national-liberation movements - (proceedings of the 2. international conference of the socialist countries' Africa historians, September 5-8, 1977, Budapest) / edited by László Krizsán
Budapest - Institute for world economics of the Hungarian academy of sciences, 1978
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International conference of the socialist countries' Africanists (5. ; 1976 ; Budapest)
3- Contributions by Africanists of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the GDR and Poland
Budapest - Institute for world economics of the Hungarian academy of sciences, 1978
Incluso in > Economic relations of Africa with the socialist countries - (proceedings of the 5. international conference of the socialist countries' Africanists, November 1976, Budapest)
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International conference of the socialist countries' Africanists (5. ; 1976 ; Budapest)
2- Contributions by Africanists of the USSR
Budapest - Institute for world economics of the Hungarian academy of sciences, 1978
Incluso in > Economic relations of Africa with the socialist countries - (proceedings of the 5. international conference of the socialist countries' Africanists, November 1976, Budapest)
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International conference of the socialist countries' Africanists (5. ; 1976 ; Budapest)
Economic relations of Africa with the socialist countries - (proceedings of the 5. international conference of the socialist countries' Africanists, November 1976, Budapest)
Budapest - Institute for world economics of the Hungarian academy of sciences
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International conference of the socialist countries' Africanists (5. ; 1976 ; Budapest)
1- Hungarian contributions
Budapest - Institute for world economics of the Hungarian academy of sciences, 1978
Incluso in > Economic relations of Africa with the socialist countries - (proceedings of the 5. international conference of the socialist countries' Africanists, November 1976, Budapest)
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International Conference on African Bibliography (1967 ; Nairobi)
The bibliography of Africa - proceedings and papers of the International conference on African bibliography, Nairobi, 4-8 December, 1967 / edited by J. D. Pearson and Ruth Jones
London - Cass & co., 1970
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International conference on African constitutions (1998 ; Bologna)
International conference on African constitutions - Bologna, November 26th-27th, 1998 / a cura di Valeria Piergigli e Irma Taddia
Torino - G. Giappichelli, (2000
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International conference on African studies
Viva Africa 2008 - proceedings of the 3. international conference on African studies / editors- Tomas Machalik, Katerina Mildnerova, Jan Zahorik
Pilsen - ADELA, c2008
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International conference on African studies (2. ; 2007 ; Pilsen)
Viva Africa 2007 - proceedings of the 2. International conference on African studies / editors Tomáš Machalík, Jan Záhorík
Pilsen - University of West Bohemia, 2007
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International conference on Hausa studies (2. ; 2008 ; Kano)
Proceedings of the 2. International conference on Hausa studies- African and European perspectives - Bayero university Kano, Kano 10.-17. February, 2008 / edited by Sergio Baldi and Hafizu Miko Yakasai
Napoli - Universitŕ degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale, 2009
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International conference on Hausa studies (3. ; 2011 ; Napoli)
Proceedings of the 3. International conference on Hausa studies- African and European perspectives - Universitŕ degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Napoli 5.-6. July, 2010 / edited by Sergio Baldi and Hafizu Miko Yakasai
Napoli - Universitŕ degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale, 2011
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