Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 6200 di 6756       

seguito African - Africano [pagina inizio voce]

International conference on Hoisting- men, materials, minerals (1973 ; Johannesburg)
International conference on Hoisting- men, materials, minerals - 16-24 October 1973 / edited by L. R. Robinson, E. A. Bunt, K. Kraft ; organized by the South african institution of mechanical engineers
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - South african institution of mechanical engineers, (1973?)
Testo Monografico

International conference on Manding studies (1972 ; Londra)
Manding - focus on an African civilisation - International conference on Manding studies - University of London, School of oriental and African studies, 30 June-3 July 1972
London - Centre for African studies, School of oriental and African studies
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International Conference on TADIA (1. ; 2006 ; Panaji)
TADIA, the African diaspora in Asia- explorations on a less known fact, papers presented in the 1. International Conference on TADIA in Panaji, Goa, held in January 2006 / edited by Kiran Kamal Prasad and Jean-Pierre Angenot
Bangalore - Jana Jagrati Prakashana, 2008
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International Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy (11. . ; 2003 ; Cape Town)
Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy, Cape Town, 31 march - 3 april 2003 / organised by The Cape Technikon ; in association with The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (ed altri)
Cape Town - Cape Technikon, (2003)
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International conference on the domestic use of energy (7. ; 2000; Cape Town)
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy, Cape Town, 18-19 avril 2000 / organised by The Cape Technikon ; in association with The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (ed altri)
Cape Town - Cape Technikon, (2000)
Testo Monografico

International conference on the theoretical problems of Asian and African literatures (4. ; 1980 ; Smolenice Castle)
Proceedings of the fourth International conference on the theoretical problems of Asian and African literatures / edited by M. Galik
Bratislava - Literary institute of the Slovak academy of sciences, 1983
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International Congress for Asian and North African studies (32. ; 1986 ; Amburgo)
Proceedings of the 32. International Congress for Asian and North African studies - Hamburg 25.-30. August 1986 / edited by Albrecht Wezler and Ernst Hammerschmidt
Stuttgart - F. Steiner, 1992
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International congress of African hisorians (1965 ; Das es Salaam)
Emerging themes of African history - proceedings of the International congress of African historians held at University college Dar es Salaam, October 1965 / T.O. Ranger, editor
London - Heinemann educational books, 1968
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International congress of Africanists (1 ; 1962 ; Accra)
The first International Congress of Africanists - some information about the Congress
Ibadan (Nigeria) - Ibadan University press, 1962
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International congress of Africanists (1 ; 1962 ; Accra)
The proceedings of the first international congress of Africanists, Accra 11th-18th december 1962 / with a foreword by K. Onwuka Dike ; edited by Lalage Brown and Michael Crowder
(London) - Longmans, 1964
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International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (33. ; 1990 ; Toronto,Ont.)
Contacts between cultures
Lewiston (etc.) - The Edwin Mellen Press
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International Congress of Graeco-Oriental and African studies (6. ; 1996 ; Nicosia)
Proceedings of the sixth International congress of graeco-oriental and african studies, Nicosia 30 April-5 May 1996 / edited by Vassilios Christes and
Nicosia - Archbishop Makarios 3. cultural centre, Bureau of the history of Cyprus, 2000
Incluso in > Graeco-arabica / Etaireia Ellenoarabikon Spudon
Testo Monografico

International congress on African studies (5. ; 1985 ; Ibadan)
African education and identity - proceedings of the 5th session of the international congress of African studies held at Ibadan, December, 1985 / edited by Abiola Irele
London etc. - Hans Zell ; Ibadan - Spectrum books, 1992
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International days for African studies (1965 ; Ghent)
The harmonization of the production of natural and synthetic raw materials in the industrialized and developing countries / (intr. di L. O. J. De Wilde)
Bruxelles - S.P.R.L. "Eurafricaine", 1966
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International federation of library associations and institutions - International office for UBC
African legislative and ministerial bodies - list of uniform headings for higher legislative and ministerial bodies in African countries / compiled by the IFLA International Office for UBC ; in association with the African Standing Conference on Bibliographic Control
London - IFLA International Office for UBC, 1980
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