Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1011 of 1849       

Groves, Ernest R.
Marriage / by Ernest R. Groves
New York - H. Holt, c1941
Monographic text

Groves, Gladys Hoagland
Marriage and family life / Gladys Hoagland Groves
New York - H. Holt, c1942
Monographic text

Groves, Harold M.
Postwar taxation and economic progress
New York ; London - McGraw-Hill, 1946
Monographic text

Groves, Harold M.
Production, jobs and taxes - postwar revision of the federal tax system to help achieve higher production and more jobs / by Harold M. Groves
New York ; London - Mcgraw-hill book company, 1944
Monographic text

Groves, Harold M.
Trouble spots in taxation - essays in the philosophy of taxation and other public finance problems / Harold M. Groves
Princeton - University press, 1948
Monographic text

Gruber, Charles M.
Handbook of treatment and medical formulary / by Charles M. Gruber
Philadelphia - F. A. Davis Company, 1948
Monographic text

Gruber, Frank
The laughing fox / Frank Gruber
New York - Pengiun books, 1944
Monographic text

Gruchy, A. G.
Modern economic thought- the american contribution / by Allan G. Gruchy
New York - Prentice-Hall, 1947
Monographic text

Gruchy, Allan Garfield
Modern economic thought - the American contribution / by Allan G. Gruchy
New York - Prentice-Hall, 1947
Monographic text

Gruhn, William Theodore
The modern junior High school
New York - Ronald Press, ?1947?
Monographic text

Grulee, Clifford Grosselle
The child in health and disease - a text-book for students and practitioners of medicine
Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins Co., 1948
Monographic text

Grundman, Clare
Bagatelle four Bb clarinets / Clare Grundman
(The place of publication is not referred) - Boosey and Hawkes, c1950

Grundy, R. H.
The theory and practice of heat engines - including steam generators, reciprocating steam engines, steam turbines and internal combustion engines / R. H. Grundy
(The place of publication is not referred) - Longmans - Green, 1942
Monographic text

Grunebaum Ballin, P.
Henri Gregoire - l'ami des hommes de toutes les couleurs - la lutte pour la suppression de la traite et l'abolition de l'esclavage, 1789-1831 / P. Grunebaum-Ballin
(Paris) - Presses de l'Imprimerie speciale de la S.A.E.P., 1948
Monographic text

Grunebaum, Gustave Edmund - von
Medieval Islam - a study in cultural orientation / by Gustave E. von Grunebaum
Chicago - The University of Chicago press, 1947
Monographic text

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