Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1012 of 1849       

Grunewald, Matthias
The drawings of Mathis Gothart Nithart called Gruenewald / edited by Guido Schoenberger
New York - Bittner and company, 1948
Monographic text

GRUSE, William A.
The chemical technology of petroleum / William A. Gruse, Donald R. Stevens
New York - McGraw-Hill, 1942
Monographic text

Gruzenberg, Oskar Osipovic
Ocerki i reci / O. O. Gruzenberg ; s vstupitel'nymi stat'jami E. M. Kulišera ... and others ; obložka raboty hudožnika S. Lissima
N'ju-Iork - Nelly Grusenberg Pregel, 1944
Monographic text

Gruškin, Alan D.
Painting in the USA
New York - Doubleday, 1946
Monographic text

Gualtieri, Humbert L.
The labor movement in Italy / Humbert L. Gualtieri
New York - S.F. Vanni, 1946
Monographic text

Guareschi, Giovanni
The little world of Don Camillo / Giovanni Guareschi ; translated from the Italian by Una Vincenzo Troubridge
New York - Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1950
Monographic text

Guarnieri, Camargo
1- Brazilian dance / Camargo Guarnieri
New York - Associated music publishers, ©1949
It's a part of > Three dances for orchestra / Camargo Guarnieri

Guarnieri, Camargo
3- Negro dance / Camargo Guarnieri
New York - Associated music publishers, ©1949
It's a part of > Three dances for orchestra / Camargo Guarnieri

Guarnieri, Camargo
2- Savage dance / Camargo Guarnieri
New York - Associated music publishers, c1949
It's a part of > Three dances for orchestra / Camargo Guarnieri

Gucker, Frank Thomson (jr.)
Physical chemistry / by Frank Thomson Gucker and William Buell Meldrum
New York (etc.) - American book company, c1950
Monographic text

Gudzij, Nikolaj Kallinikovic
Starinnaja russkaja povest - stati i issledovanija / pod redakciej N. K. udzija
Ann Arbor - University microfilms, 1963
Monographic text

Gudzy, Nikolaj Kallinikovic
History of early Russian literature / by N. K. Gudzy ; translated from the 2. Russian edition by Susan Wilbur Jones ; introduction by Gleb Struve
New York - Macmillan Company, 1949
Monographic text

Guenther, Ernest
2- The costituents of essential oils / by Ernest Guenther, co-author Darrell Althausen
New York etc. - Van Nostrand, 1949
It's a part of > The essential oils / by Ernest Guenther
Monographic text

Guenther, Ernest
1- History, origin in plants production, analysis / by Ernest Guenther
New York etc. - Van Nostrand, 1948
It's a part of > The essential oils / by Ernest Guenther
Monographic text

Guenther, Ernest
4- Individual essential oils of the plant families gramineae, lauraceae, burseraceae, myrtaceae, umbelliferae and geraniaceae / by Ernest Guenther
New York etc. - Van Nostrand, 1950
It's a part of > The essential oils / by Ernest Guenther
Monographic text

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