Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1571 of 1849       

Seldes, George
The people don't know - the american press and the cold war / George Seldes
New York - Gaer Associates, 1949
Monographic text

Seldes, Gilbert (1893-1970)
The great audience / by Gilbert Seldes
New York - The viking, 1950
Monographic text

Seldin, Harry Mendel
Practical anesthesia for dental and oral surgey local and general
Philadelphia - Lea and Febiger, 1942
Monographic text

Selekman, Benjamin Morris
Labor relations and human relations / by Benjamin M. Selekman
New York ; London - McGraw-Hill book company, 1947
Monographic text

Self, Margaret Cabell
The horseman's companion / Margaret Cabell Self ; illustrated by Wesley Dennis
New York - A. S. Barnes, 1949
Monographic text

Selgin, Paul J.
Electrical transmission in steady state / by Paul J. Selgin
New York ; London - McGraw-Hill, 1946
Monographic text

Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson
The economic interpretation of history / by Edwin R. A. Seligman
New YorK - Columbia university press, stampa 1949
Monographic text

Seligman, Germain
The drawings of Georges Seurat / by Germain Seligman
New York - C. Valentin, 1947
Monographic text

Seligmann, Kurt
The history of magic / Kurt Seligmann
New York - Pantheon Books, c1948
Monographic text

Sell, Lewis L
Espanol-ingles diccionario tecnico completisimo de aeronautica, automoviles, ferrocarriles, carreteras, electricidad, electronica, radio, televisión ... 700.000 terminos tecnicos en ingles y en espanol / Lewis L Sell Ph. D
New York - International Dictionary Company, c1949
Monographic text

Sellery, George C.
The Renaissance - its nature and origins / George Clarke Sellery
Madison - The University of Wisconsin press, 1950
Monographic text

Sellew, Gladys
Sociology and social problems in nursinf service / by Gladys Sellew ; in collaboration with Paul Hanly Furfey
Philadelphia ; London - W.B. Sauders, c1946
Monographic text

Selling, Olof H.
On the late Quaternary history of the hawaiian vegetation / by Olof H. Selling
Honolulu - s.n. , 1948 (Goteborg - Elanders)
It's a part of > Bishop museum special publication
Monographic text

Selner, John C.
The epistles and gospels - for sundays and holydays - test from revised confraternity new estament - with dogmatic, moral, homiletic and liturgical sermon outline / by John C. Selner ; with commentaries on the epistles and gospels by Stephen Reilly
New York ... (etc. - Benziger, 1947
Monographic text

Selsam, Howard
Socialism and ethics / Howard Selsam
New York - International publishers, ©1943
Monographic text

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