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Metropolitan opera annals - a chronicle of artists and performances / compiled by William H. Seltsam ; with an introduction by Edward Johnson New York - H. W. Wilson - the Metropolitan opera Guild, 1947 Monographic text Seltzer, Carl C. Racial prehistory in the Southwest and the Hawikuh Zunis / by Carl C. Seltzer Cambridge, Mass. - Peabody museum, 1944 Monographic text Selwood, Pierce W. Magnetochemistry / by Pierce W. Selwood New York - Interscience, 1943 Monographic text Selwyn, E. W. H. Photography in astronomy / by E.W.H. Selwyn New York - Eastman Kodak, 1950 Monographic text Selye, Hans The general adaptation syndrome and the diseases of adaptation / Hans Selye (Sprinfield, Ill. - J. Clin. Endocrin.), 1946 Monographic text Selye, Hans On the experimental morphology of the adrenal cortex / by Hans Selye and Helen Stone Springfield - C. C. Thomas, c1950 Monographic text Semat, Henry Introduction to atomic physics / Henry Semat New York - Rinehart, 1946 Monographic text Semeniuk, G. Observation on mold development and on deterioration in stored yellow dent shelled corn / by G. Semeniuk, C. M. Nagel and J. C. Gilman Ames - (s.n.), 1947 It's a part of > Research bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of agriculture and mechanic arts Monographic text Senallie, Jean-Baptiste Allegro spiritoso / Senaille ; transcribed for viola and piano by Milton Katims New York - International Music Company, c1945 Music Senate Library Factual campaign information / compiled under the direction of C. A. Loeffer secretary of the United States Senate by the Senate Library, April 15, 1948 ; printed .. Washington - government printing office, 1948 Monographic text Senate Library Manner of selecting delegates to national political conventions with information on States Holding presidential-primaries / compiled by The Senate Library under direction of C.A. Loeffer .. Washington - government printing office, 1948 Monographic text Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Senecas dialogues 1., 2., 7., 8., 9., 10. - miscellaneous moral essays / the text emended and explained by William Hardy Alexander Berkeley - University of California Press, 1945 Monographic text Senn, Alfred Erich The Lithuanian language - a characterization / by Alfred Senn Chicago (Ill.) - (s.n.), 1942 Monographic text Sensabaugh, G. F. The tragic muse of John Ford / by G. F. Sensabaugh New York - Blom, 1965 Monographic text Sequeira, James Harry Diseases of the skin / James H. Sequeira, John T. Ingram, R. T- Brain London - Churchill, 1947 Monographic text |