Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 263 of 1780       

The eighth art - twenty-three views of television today / contributors- Eugenen Burdick ... (and others ; introduction by Robert Lewis Shayon
New York (etc. - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, ©1962
Monographic text

Einstein on peace / edited by Otto Nathan and Heinz Norden ; preface byBertrand Russell
New York - Simon and Schuster, 1960
Monographic text

Eisenhower in Brasilia
New York - United press international photo, 1960
Graphic document

Electric furnace steel conference - proceedings
New York - American institute of mining and metallurgical engineers, 1943-

Electric railway journal - a consolidation of Street railway journal and Electric railway review
New York - McGraw publishing Company, 1908-

Electrical communication / International Western Electric Company ; International Standard Electric company
New York - International western electrical company, 1923-

Electrical conductivity in organic solids - symposium on electrical conductivity in organic solids, held at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, April 20-22, 1960 / Edited by H. Kallmann and M. Silver
New York - Interscience, 1961
Monographic text

Electrical engineering - The journal of the A.I.E.E
New York - American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1931-1963

Electrical engineering education - proceedings of the international conference at Syracuse and Sagamore, September 1961 / Norman Balabanian, Wilbur R. Lepage, editors
(Syracuse, N. Y.) - Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Monographic text

Electrical manufacturing-engineering-design-production
New York - (s.n.), 1928-

Electrical materials handbook
Pittsburgh (Penn.) - Allegheny Ludlum steel corporation, ©1961
Monographic text

Electrical stimulation of the brain - an interdisciplinary survey of neurobehavioral integrative systems / edited by D.E. Sheer
Austin - University of Texas press, 1961
Monographic text

The electrical world
New York - McGraw-Hill, 1906-2002

Electrical world - a weekley review of current progress in electricity and its practical applications
New York - McGraw publishing company, 1906-2002

2- Electrochemical engineering / edited by Charles W. Tobias
New York - Interscience Publishers, 1962
It's a part of > Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering / editors Paul Delahay, Charles W. Tobias
Monographic text

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