Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 264 of 1780       

1- Electrochemistry / edited by Paul Delahay
New York - Interscience Publishers, 1961
It's a part of > Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering / editors Paul Delahay, Charles W. Tobias
Monographic text

Electromagnetic lifetimes and properties of nuclear states - proceedings of a conference, Gatlinburg, Tenn., October 5-7, 1961 / organizing commitee D. M. van Patter, chairman ... (and others)
Washington - National Academy of Science, National Research Council, 1962
Monographic text

Electromagnetic waves - proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematical Research Center United States Army at the University of Wisconsin Madison, April 10-12, 1961 / edited by Rudolph E. Langer
Madison - the University of Wisconsin Press, 1962
Monographic text

Electronic age
New York - Radio Corporation of America, 1957-1971

Electronic industries
New York - Caldwell-Clements, 1942-

Electronic precision measurement - techniques and experiments / edited by John E. Remich
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey - Prentice-Hall, 1964
Monographic text

New York (NY) - McGraw-Hill, 1930-1984

Electronics world
New York - Davis Publishing c., 1959-1971

Electroplating engineering handbook / prepared by a staff of specialists ; editor A. Kenneth Graham ; assistant editor H. L. Pinkerton
New York - Reinhold ; London - Chapman & Hall, c1962
Monographic text

Electroslag welding / edited by B. E. Paton
New York - American Welding Society, c1962
Monographic text

Electrostatic propulsion - a selection of technical papers based mainly on a Symposium of the American rocket society held at U. S. Naval postgraduate school, Monterey, California, November 3, 4, 1960 / edited by David B. Langmuir, Ernst Stuhlinger, J. M. Sellen, Jr
New York (etc.) - Academic press, 1961
Monographic text

1- Elementary
(Ann Arbor) - University of Michigan, 1962
It's a part of > Modern Persian reader / edited with glossaries and exercises by Massud Farzan, Mohammad Ali Jazayery, Herbert H. Paper
Monographic text

1.- Elements / Alexander Goldsmith, Thomas E. Waterman, Harry J. Hirschhorn
New York - Macmillan, 1961
It's a part of > Handbook of thermophysical properties of solid materials / Alexander Goldsmith, Thomas E. Waterman, Harry J. Hirschhorn
Monographic text

2.b- The elements / edited by C.L. Comar, Felix Bronner
New York ; London - Academic press, 1962
It's a part of > Mineral metabolism - an advanced treatise / edited by C. L. Comar, F. Bronner
Monographic text

1- Elements / edited by D. R. Bates
New York ; London - Academic press, 1961
It's a part of > Quantum theory / edited by D. R. Bates
Monographic text

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