Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 293 of 1699       

Economic development and cultural change
Chicago - University of Chicago press

Economic development and environmental sustainability - policies and principles for a durable equilibrium / edited by Jose I. dos Furtado and Tamara Belt with Ramachandra Jammi
Washington - The World Bank, 2000
Monographic text

Economic development horizon
Smithfield - Bryant College, Center for international business and economic development, 1995-

The economic effects of taxation / National Bureau of Economic Research
(S.n.t.) VII, 601-794 p. ; 28 cm.
Monographic text

Economic events, ideas, and policies - the 1960s and after / George L. Perry, James Tobin, editors
Washington - Brookings institution press, c2000
Monographic text

Economic geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic geologists
Lancaster, Pa. - The economic geology, 1905-

Economic governance - guidelines for effective financial management / Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Economics and Public Administration
New York - United nations, 2000
Monographic text

Economic impact - a quarterly review of world economics
Washington - United states information agency, 1973-

Economic indicators / prepared for the Joint economic committee by the council of economic advisers, united states
Washington, 1948-

Economic indicators handbook - time series, conversions, documentation
Detroit (etc.) - Gale, c1992-

Economic inquiry - a journal of the Western economic association
(The place of publication is not referred) - Western economic association, 1974-

Economic policy for growth - economic development is human development / by Salim Rashid
Boston - Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2000
Monographic text

Economic policy reform - the second stage / edited by Anne O. Krueger
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 2000
Monographic text

Economic policy review / Federal reserve bank of New York
Vol. 1, n. 1 (gen. 1995)-

Economic reform in Ukraine - the unfinished agenda / edited by Anders Aslund and Georges de Menil
Armonk ; London - M. E. Sharpe, c2000
Monographic text

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