Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 294 of 1699       

Economic report of the President transmitted to the congress - together with the annual report of the Council of economic adviser
Washington - United States government printing office

Economic review / Federal reserve bank of Atlanta
Atlanta - Federal reserve bank, 1977-

Economic review / Federal reserve bank of Cleveland
Cleveland, 1964-

Economic review / Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Kansas City - Federal reserve bank

Economic review / First National Bank of Boston
Boston, 1981-

Economic simulations in Swarm - agent-based modelling and object oriented programming / edited by Francesco Luna and Benedikt Stefansson
Boston (etc. - Kluwer, ©2000
Monographic text

Economic strategy and national security - a next generation approach / edited by Patrick J. DeSouza
Boulder - Westview press, 2000
Monographic text

Economic studies / American Economic Association
New York - Macmillan, 1896-

Economic survey of europe 2000, No. 1 / Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe
New York/Geneva - United Nations, 2000
Monographic text

Economic survey of Latin America and the Carribean ... / United Nation, CEPAL
(New York) - United Nations, 1999-
Periodico - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU IST 0042691)
Economics and philosophy
New York - Cambridge University Press, 1985

Economics meets sociology in strategic management / edited by Joel A. C. Baum, Frank Dobbin
Stamford - Jai Press, (2000)
It's a part of > Advances in strategic management - a research annual
Monographic text

The economics of disability / edited by D. S. Salkever, Alan Sorkin
Stanford - Jai, 2000
It's a part of > Research in human capital and development - a research annual / editor Ismail Sirageldin
Monographic text

The economics of disability / edited by David S. Salkever, Alan Sorkin
Stamford (CT)- Jai Press, 2000
It's a part of > Research in human capital and development - a research annual
Monographic text

The Economics of global climatic change / editor P.K.Rao
Armonk - M.E.Sharpe, 2000
Monographic text

The economics of sports / William S. Kern, editor
Kalamazoo - W.E. Upjohn institute for employment research, 2000
Monographic text

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