Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2005

Page no. 1442 of 1445       

Zelizer, Viviana A. Rotman
The purchase of intimacy / Viviana A. Zelizer
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton University, c2005
Monographic text

Zeller, Bob
The Blue and Gray in black and white - a history of Civil War photography / Bob Zeller
Westport, CT ; London - Praeger, c2005
Monographic text

Zeller, Bruno
Damages under the convention on contracts for the international sale of goods / Bruno Zeller
Dobbs Ferry, New York - Oceana Publications, c2005
Monographic text

Zelnik, Reginald E.
The perils of Pankratova - some stories from the annals of Soviet historiography / Reginald E. Zelnik ; contributions by Laura Engelstein ... (and others
Seattle ; London - Published by the Herbert J. Ellison Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian studies, University of Washington, c2005
Monographic text

Zeno - of Philadelphia
Zenon Papyri - business papers of the third century B.C. dealing with Palestine and Egypt / edited with introductions and notes by William Linn Westermann ... and Elizabeth Sayre Hasenoehrl
New York - Columbia University press, 1934- .
Monographic text

Zerilli, Linda Marie Gelsomina
Feminism and the abyss of freedom / Linda M.G. Zerilli
Chicago - University of Chicago press, 2005
Monographic text

Zero-to-three (organizzazione)
DC-0-3R - Diagnostic classification of mental health and development disorder of infancy and early childhood
Washington - Zero to three, 2005
Monographic text

Zettl, Anton
Sturm-Liouville theory / Anton Zettl
Providence, RI - AMS, 2005
Monographic text

Zettl, Uwe K
Multiple sclerosis and cerebrospinal fluid / Uwe K. Zettl and Hayrettin Tumani
Malden - Blackwell Publishing, 2005
Monographic text

Zhang, Ailing
Written on water / Eileen Chang ; translated by Andrew F. Jones
New York - Columbia University Press, 2005
Monographic text

Zhang, Hanqin Qiu
Tourism and hotel development in China - from political to economic success / Hanqin Qiu Zhang, Ray Pine, Terry Lam
London (etc.) - Haworth Hospitality Press/International Business Press, c2005
Monographic text

Zhang, Ren
Enriched Composition and Inference in the Argument Structure of Chinese / Ren Zhang
New York ; London - Routledge, 2005
Monographic text

Zhang, Wei-Bin
Differential equations, bifurcations, and chaos in economics / Wei-Bin Zhang
Hackensack NJ - World Scientific, 2005
Monographic text

Zhang, Yuanhui
Indoor air quality engineering / Yuanhui Zhang
Boca Raton °etc. - CRC Press, 2005
Monographic text

Zheng, Jesse
Optical frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) interferometry / Jesse Zheng
New York - Springer, ©2005
Monographic text

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