Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2005

Page no. 1443 of 1445       

Zhou, Zhenghuan
Liberal rights and political culture - envisioning democracy in China / Zhenghuan Zhou
New York ; London - Routledge, 2005
Monographic text

Zhu, Kehe
Spaces of holomorphic functions in the unit ball / Kehe Zhu
New York - Springer, c2005
Monographic text

Zhu, Lixing
Nonparametric Monte Carlo tests and their applications / Lixing Zhu
New York - Springer, c2005
Monographic text

Zhu, Sean S.
Studies in application of zhu's flap to high lift system for aircrafts / Sean S. Zhu, Yuxin Qiu
Reston (VA) - AIAA, 2005
Monographic text

Zide, Barry M.
Surgical anatomy around the orbit - the system of zones / Barry M. Zide ; illustrator Craig A. Luce ; associate prosectors Sean Boutros, Arthur Millman.- Philadelphia - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2005
Monographic text

Ziefert, Harriet
Bear goes shopping / by Harriet Ziefert ; pictures by Arnold Lobel
New York - Sterling, c2005
Monographic text

Ziefert, Harriet
Can you play? / pictures by Emily Bolam ; (text by Harriet Ziefert)
New York - Sterling Publishing, c2005
Monographic text

Ziefert, Harriet
Wait for us / pictures by Richard Brown ; (text by Harriet Ziefert)
New York - Sterling Publishing, c2005
Monographic text

Ziefert, Harriet
Where are the dogsharks? / pictures by Robert Wurzburg ; (text by Harriet Ziefert)
New York - Sterling Publishing, c2005
Monographic text

Ziegler, James F.
The stopping and range of ions in solids / J. F. Ziegler, J. P. Biersack, U. Littmark
New York etc. - Pergamon press, c1985-
Monographic text

Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership
FDA at Irvine / Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership
New York - Press, 2005
Monographic text

Zimmer, Carl
Smithsonian intimate guide to human origins / Carl Zimmer
New York - Collins, 2005
Monographic text

Zimmer, Marc
Glowing genes - a revolution in biotechnology / Marc Zimmer
Amherst - New York, 2005
Monographic text

Zimmerer, Thomas W.
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management / Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey - Pearson Education International ; Prentice Hall, c2005
Monographic text

Zimmerman, James M.
China law deskbook - a legal guide for foreign-invested enterprises / James M. Zimmerman
Chicago - ABA Section of international law, c2005
Monographic text

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