Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 156 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Africa America volontariato internazionale
Bergamo - CELIM, 1983-1987
Pubblicazione Periodica

1- Africa american economic thought / edited bu Thomas D. Boston
London ; New York - Routledge, 1997
Incluso in > A different vision / edited by Thomas D. Boston
Testo Monografico

Africa amica / (a cura dell'Ufficio Stampa della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
(Roma - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Direzione Generale delle Informazioni, dell'Editoria e della Proprietà Letteraria, Artistica e Scientifica, (1986?
Testo Monografico

Africa and Africans as seen by Classical writers / edited by Joseph E. Harris
Washington (D.C.) - Howard University Press, 1977
Incluso in > The William Leo Hansberry Africa History notebook
Testo Monografico

Africa and Asia
, copyr. 1986
Incluso in > The handbook of national population censuses / Doreen S. Goyer and Eliana Domschke
Testo Monografico

3- Africa and Asia / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung ; Ed. by Jürgen Elsner and Gisa Jähnichen
Berlin - Inst. für Musikwiss. und Musikerziehung, 1993
Incluso in > Studies in Ethnomusicology / Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Institut fur Musikwissenschaft und Musikerziehung ; Ed. by Jurgen Elsner and Gisa Jahnichen
Testo Monografico

Africa and Asia- mapping two continente
London - Aldus books ; Jupiter books, 1973
Testo Monografico

Africa and development challenges in the new millennium - the NEPAD debate / edited by J. O. Adesinà, Yao Graham, and A. Olukoshi
Dakar - CODESRIA ; London ; New York - Zed Books ; Pretoria - UNISA press, 2006
Testo Monografico

Africa and empire - W. M. Macmillan - historian and social critic / edited by Hugh Macmillan and Shula Marks
Aldershot - Temple Smith, c1989
Testo Monografico

Africa and Europe - Co-operation in a Globalized World - Conference of Scribani-European Jesuit Network / edited by Johannes Muller and Michael Reder
Berlin - LIT, (2007)
Testo Monografico

Africa and Europe - from partition to interdependence or dependence? / edited by Amadu Sesay
London etc. - Croom Helm, 1986
Testo Monografico

Africa and Europe - relations of two continents in transition / Stefan Brüne, Joachim Betz, Winrich Kühne (Eds.)
Münster ; Hamburg - Lit, 1994
Testo Monografico

Africa and Europe - the changing economic relationship / edited by Oladeji O. Ojo
London °etc. - Zed books in association with the African development bank, Abidjan, 1996
Testo Monografico

Africa and fortress Europe - threats and opportunities / edited by Belachew Gebrewold
Aldershot ; Burlington - Ashgate, c2007
Testo Monografico

Africa and international communism / edited by David E. Albright
London - Macmillan, 1980
Testo Monografico