Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 157 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Africa and international organization / ed. by Yassin El-Ayouty and Hugh C. Brooks
The Hague - Nijhoff, 1974
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Africa and international organization / edited by Norman J. Padelford and Rupert Emerson
Boston - World peace foundation, (1962)
Incluso in > International organization / World peace foundation
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Africa and international relations in the 21st century / edited by Scarlett Cornelissen, Fantu Cheru and Timothy M. Shaw
Houndmills - Palgrave MacMillan, 2011
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Africa and its exploration as told by its explorers
London - Sampson Low - Marston
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Africa and its explorers - motives, methods and impact / ed. by R. I. Rotberg
Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard Univ. press, 1973
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Africa and its explorers - Motives, methods and impact / Ed. by Robert 1. Rotberg
Cambridge, Mass. - Harward Univ. Press, 1970
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Africa and its significant others - forty years of intercultural entanglement / editors- Isabel Hoving, Frans-Willem Korsten, Ernst van Alphen
Amsterdam - Rodopi, c2003
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Africa and law - developing legal systems in african Commonwealth nations / Edited by Thomas W. Hutchison in association with James N. Roethe ...(ed altri) ; with an introduction by A. Arthur Schiller
Madison ; Milwaukee ; London - Univ. of Wisconsin, 1968
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Africa and Middle East / Luis Fernandez-Galiano (ed.)
Bilbao - Fundacion BBVA, 2011
Incluso in > Atlas - architectures of the 21. century / Luis Fernandez-Galiano (Ed.)
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4- Africa and Oceania / Luc Sindjoun, Marian Simms and Kay Lawson, editors
Santa Barbara (etc.) - Praeger, (2010)
Incluso in > Political parties and democracy / general editor Kay Lawson
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2- Africa and the adjacent islands / by James Stevens Simmons... (ed altri
Philadelphia - Lippincott company, c1951
Incluso in > Global epidemiology - a geography of disease and sanitation / James Stevens Simmons...(et al.)
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Africa and the African development bank - 25th anniversary 1964-1989 / African development bank
London etc. - published by Euromoney publications etc. , copyr. 1989
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Africa and the Afro-American experience - eight essays / edited by Lorraine A. Williams
Washington - Howard University Press, 1977
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Africa and the Americas - culture, politics and history - a multidisciplinary encyclopedia / edited by Richard M. Juang and Noelle Morrissette ; Melissa Fullmer, editorial assistant
Santa Barbara - ABC-CLIO
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Africa and the Arabian Peninsula / compiled and drawn in the cartographic section of the National geographic society for the National geographic magazine ; Gilbert Grosvenor editor
Washington - National geographic magazine, 1950