Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni su:
America (dal 1990)

Pagina nr. 121
1-10- 20-30- 40-50- 60-70- 80-90- 100-110- 120-130- 140-150- 160-168


Innovative perspectives on strategies to develop effective alcoholism treatment programs - proceedings of the symposium june 8, 1994, Prague, the Czech Republic / Edited by Griffith Edwards. - Shannon - Elesevier, 1995. - 28 cm ; 24 p.. - (Dire, fare, inventare)

Stati Uniti d'America. Department of health and human services . 10th special report to the U.S. Congress on alcohol and health - highlights from current research / from the Secretary of Health and Human services. - (S.l. - s.n), 2000. - 2 v. ; 461 p. ; 24 cm

Zuffa, Grazia . I drogati e gli altri - le politiche di riduzione del danno / Grazia Zuffa ; con una nota di Adriano Sofri. - 2. ed. - Palermo - Sellerio, 2000. - 145 p. ; 22 cm. - (Nuovo Prisma)

Segre, Sandro . Le politiche sociali in tema di stupefacenti - un confronto fra Svezia, Stati Uniti e Italia / Sandro Segre. - Roma - Carocci, 2000. - 295 p. ; 22 cm. - (Biblioteca di testi e studi - servizi e politiche sociali ; 144)

Pellai, Alberto . Adolescenti - bacco, tabacco e...televisione / (Alberto Pellai). - In Teen television - gli adolescenti davanti e dentro la TV . - P. 55-60

Butynski, William - Canova, Diane - Reda, Jo Lynn . State resources and services related to alcohol and other drug abuse problems. Fiscal Year 1989 - an analysis of state alcohol and drug abuse profile data / by William Butynski, Diane Canova, Jo Lynn Reda. - Rockville (Md.) - U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, stampa 1990. - XI, 74 (106) p. - ill. ; 28 cm

National Institute on Drug Abuse, Rockville (Md.). Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research . National household survey on drug abuse - main findings 1988 / National Institute on Drug Abuse Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research. - Rockville (Md.) - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, stampa 1990. - XIII, 135, (109) p. - ill. ; 28 cm

The economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness - 1985 / Dorothy P. Rice...(ed altri). - (S.l.) - (Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration), (1990). - 295 p. - ill. ; 28 cm

Tra benessere e impegno civile - il terzo settore e l'azione volontaria negli Stati Uniti / Costanzo Ranci. - (Roma) - Fondazione italiana per il volontariato, stampa 1994. - 114 p. - ill. ; 24 cm. - (Quaderni di volontariato ; 4)

Single, Eric . The development of alcohol policies in federal countries / by Eric Single.. - (Ginevra) - World health organization, (1995). - 27 p. ; 30 cm. - (Programme on substance abuse)

Euro-Ibero American seminar - cooperation on drugs and drug addiction policies - conference proceedings - Oporto, 8-9 october 1998 / European monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction ; (a cura di Kathy Robertson). - Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1999. - 85 p.

Homelessness prevention in treatment of substance abuse and mental illness - logic models and implementation of eight American projects / Kendon J. Conrad ... (ed altri) editors. - New York ; London ; Oxford - Haworth, c1999. - XXII, 220 p. ; 30 cm

Preliminary findings of an investigation into the nature and content of American Indian Alcoholics anonymous - (asbstract presentato all') International conference on addiction and mutual help movements in a comparative perspective - Toronto, September 12-16, 1994 / Bonnie M. Duran. - Berkeley - (s.n.), 1994. - 15 p.

Bellavia, Filippo . Risultati delle analisi sul contenuto delle pastiglie vendute come Ecstasy - rassegna narrativa delle fonti nel panorama internazionale / Filippo Bellavia. - In Bollettino per le farmacodipendenze e l'alcoolismo . - A. 24, n. 4 (2001), p. 80-87

McCall, Michael . The effects of physical attractiveness on gaining access to alcohol - when social policy meets social decision making / Michael McCall. - Abingdon - Carfax, 1997. - (4) c. ; 29 cm

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