Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni su:
America (dal 1990)

Pagina nr. 120
1-10- 20-30- 40-50- 60-70- 80-90- 100-110- 120-130- 140-150- 160-168


International Labour Organization. International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour. Coordinación Sub-regional para América Central, Republica Dominicana, Haiti y México . Trabajo infantil doméstico en América Central y República Dominicana - Síntesis Subregional / Oficina Internacional del Trabajo, Programa Internacional para la Erradicacción del Trabajo Infantil (IPEC), Coordinación Sub-regional para América Central, República Dominicana, Haiti y México. - (s.l.) - OIT, (2002). - 149 p. - ill

International Labour Organization. International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour. Coordinación Sub-regional para América Central, Republica Dominicana, Haiti y México . El trabajo infantil doméstico en América Central y República Dominicana- una realidad / Oficina Internacional del Trabajo, Programa Internacional para la Erradicacción del Trabajo Infantil (IPEC). - San José - OIT, 2003. - (48) p. - ill

Trabajo infantil, educación y democracia en el Perú. - S.l. - S.n., 1997. - 134 p. - ill. - (Realidad & utopía de niños y adolescentes ; no. 2, 1997)

Himes, James R. - Colbert de Arboleda, Vicky - García Mendez, Emilio . El trabajo infantil y la educación basica en América Latina y el Caribe- una iniciativa propuesta por UNICEF / James R. Himes, Vicky Colbert de Arboleda y Emilio García Mendez. - Florence - Unicef ICDC, 1994. - 30 p. - ill. - (Innocenti essays ; No. 6)

International Labour Office. International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour . Trapped between dreams, tears and hopes - sub-regional project- Prevention and elimination of the worst forms of child domestic labour in Central America and the Dominican Republic / International Labour Organization, International Programme on the Elimination of Child labour. - (S.l.) - IPEC, 2003. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD ROM)

Hicks, Norman L. . Trends in government expenditures and revenues in Latin America, 1975-88 / Norman L. Hicks. - Washington D.C. - The World Bank, 1992-02. - ii, 53 p. - (Internal Discussion Paper. Latin America and the Caribbean region ; no. 110)

Dammert, Lucía - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean . Violencia criminal y seguridad pública en América Latina- la siuación en Argentina / Lucía Dammert. - Santiago de Chile - CEPAL, 2000. - 47 p. - graphs, tables. - (Serie Politicas Sociales ; 43)

Bazán, Juan Enrique . Visión de la aplicación de la Convención sobre los derechos del niño en la región de América Latina 1990-1994 / Juan Enrique Bazán. - Lima - Rädda Barnen, 1995. - 93 p

Marinakis, Andrés E. . Wage indexation, flexibility and inflation - some Latin American experiences during the 1980s / Andrés E. Marinakis. - Geneva - ILO, 1993-03. - 37 p. - bibliogr., p. 33. - (Interdepartmental project on structural adjustment) (ILO occasional paper ; no. 6)

Women against violence - breaking the silence - reflecting on experience in Latin America and the Caribbean / edited by Ana Maria Brasileiro. - New York - UNIFEM, 1997. - v, 116 p

United States Census Bureau - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Statistical division . Women and men in Europe and North America / Economic Commission for Europe, US Census Bureau. - New York - UN, 2000. - XX, 252 p. - ill

Morley, Rebecca - University of Nottingham. School of Social Studies, Nottingham - Mullender, Audrey . Hype or hope? - the importation of pro-arrest policies and batterers' programmes from North America to Britain as key measures for preventing violence against women in the home / Rebecca Morley, Audrey Mullender. - In International journal of law and the family. - V. 6, no. 2, p. 265-288, 1992

Rizzini, Irene . Street children - an excluded generation in Latin America / Irene Rizzini. - In Childhood - a global journal of child research. - Vol. 3, no. 2, p. 215-233, 1996

Lucchini, Riccardo . Theory, method and triangulation in the study of street children / Riccardo Lucchini. - In Childhood - a global journal of child research. - Vol. 3, no. 2, 1996, p. 167-170, 1996

Universidad Diego Portales. Centro de investigaciones jurídicas. Programa de Derechos del Niño - Unicef. Area Office for Argentina, Chile and Uruguay . Revista de derechos del niño. - Santiago de Chile - UNICEF (Chile), 2002-

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