Pagina nr. 1874 di 2055 |
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La protection physique des matières nucléaires Vienna - Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique, 1977 Testo Monografico International atomic energy agency 1- Rapport de synthese 1977 sur l'etude de l'AIEA Incluso in > Centres regionaux du cycle du combustible nucleaire / Agence internationale de l'energie atomique Testo Monografico International atomic energy agency Stable isotopes in the life sciences - proceedings of a technical committee meeting on modern trends in the biological applications of stable isotopes held in Leipzig, 14-18 February 1977 / jointly organized by the IAEA and the CMEA Vienna - IAEA, 1977 Testo Monografico International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna) Regional nuclear fuel cycle centres - 1977 report of the IAEA study project / International atomic energy agency Vienna - IAEA, 1977 Testo Monografico International computation centre ICC bulletin Rome - International computation centre, 1962- Pubblicazione Periodica International Conference on Education (35. ; 1975 ; Ginevra) Bibliography - reports from the international conference on education, 1975 Paris - Unesco, International bureau of education, 1977 Testo Monografico International conference on high energy physics and nuclear structure (7. ; 1977 ; Zurigo) international conference on high energy physics and nuclear structure - Zurich, Switzerland, 29 august-2 september 1977 / organized by Swiss Institute of nuclear research (SIN) ; proceedings edited by M. P. Locher Testo Monografico International conference on plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research (6. ; 1976 ; Berchtesgaden) Plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research 1976 - proceedings of the sixth International conference on plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research held by the International atomic energy agency at Berchtesgaden, 6-13 October 1976 Vienna - International atomic energy agency, 1977 Testo Monografico International Congress of Classical Studies (2. ; 1954 ; Copenhagen) Acta Congressus Madvigiani, Hafniae 1954 - Proceedings of the 2. International Congress of Classical Studies - ?Copenhagen August 23-28, 1954, 150. anniversary of the birth of J. N. Madvig? Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1958- Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - International office for UBC Names of persons - national usages for entry in catalogues / compiled by the IFLA international office for UBC London - IFLA international office for UBC, 1977 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - Joint working group on the international standard bibliographic description for cartog ISBD(CM) - International Standard Bibliographic Description for Cartographic Materials / recommended by the Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Cartographic Materials set up the IFLA Committe on Cataloguing and the IFLA Sub-section of Geography and Map Libraries London - IFLA International Office for UBC, 1977 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - Joint working group on the international standard bibliographic description for serial ISBD(S) - International standard bibliographic description for serials / prepared by the Joint working group on the International standard bibliographic description for serials set up by the IFLA Committee on cataloguing and the IFLA Committee on serial publications London - IFLA International office for UBC, 1977 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - Working group on the general international standard bibliographic description ISBD(G) - General international standard bibliographic description - annotated text / International federation of library associations and institutions ; prepared by the Working group on the General international standard bibliographic description set up by the IFLA Committee on cataloguing London - IFLA International office for UBC, 1977 Testo Monografico International Indian Ocean Expedition Collected reprints Paris - Unesco, 1965- . Testo Monografico International labour organisation - Administrative tribunal Bulletin officiel / Bureau international du travail. Serie C, Jugements rendus par le Tribunal administratif de l'Organisation internationale du travail Geneve - BIT, 1975-1977 Pubblicazione Periodica |