Pagina nr. 1875 di 2055 |
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Bulletin officiel / Bureau international du travail. Serie B, Rapport du Comite de la liberte syndicale Geneve - BIT, 1975 - Pubblicazione Periodica International School on Electro-and Photonuclear Reactions (1976 ; Eric e, Italy) Photonuclear reactions - international school on electron and photonuclear onal School on Electro and Photonuclear Reactions, Erice, 2-17 June 1976 / edited by S. Costa, C. Schaerf Berlin - Springer, 1977 Testo Monografico International social security association Evolution et tendances de la sécurité sociale / Association internationale de la securité sociale Genève - A.I.S.S., 1959- Testo Monografico International society for applied ethology Proceedings of the ... International congress of the international society for applied ethology Wheathampstead - UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 1966- Pubblicazione Periodica International specialists symposium on neutron standards and application (1977 ; Gaithersburg) Neutron standards and application - proceedings of the International Specialists Symposium on Neutron Standards and Application held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, March 28-31, 1977 / edited by C.D. Bowman ... ?ed altri? Washington - NBS, 1977 Testo Monografico International symposium on nuclear techniques in exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources (1977 ; Vienna) Nuclear techniques and mineral resources 1977 - proceedings of the International Symposium on nuclear techniques in exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, 7-10 March, 1977 Vienna - IAEA, 1977 Testo Monografico International Symposium on radiation physics (1974 ; Calcutta) Radiation physics - proceedings of the International Symposium on radiation physics - held at the Bose Institute, Calcutta, India November 30 - December 4, 1974 / edited by A.M. Ghose ... ?ed altri? ; organized by Bose Institute, Calcutta, India ; co-sponsored by Department of Atomic Energy, India ; assistance from International Atomic Energy Agency, National Bureau of Standards Washington - U.S. Department of Commerce - National Bureau of Standards, 1977 Testo Monografico International symposium The geotechnics of structurally complex formation (1977 ; Capri) The Geotechnics of structurally complex formation - international symposium - Capri, 1977 Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, 1977- Testo Monografico Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung (1977 ; Lipsia) Figura 2 - Künstler drucken / Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung Dresda - VEB Verlag der Kunst, 1977 Testo Monografico Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung (1977 ; Lipsia) Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung - Leipzig 1977 - *Hauptkatalog Leipzig - VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1977 Testo Monografico Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung (1977 ; Lipsia) Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung, Leipzig 1977 - Buchgestalter und Typografiker - Katalog der Sonderausstellung Leipzig - VEB Fachbuchverlag, 1977 Testo Monografico Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung (1977 ; Lipsia) Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung, Leipzig 1977 - Katalog der Sonderausstellung - Fibeln Berlin - Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1977 Testo Monografico Internationalen Limeskongresses (11. ; 1976 ; Szekesgehervar) Limes - akten des 11. Internationalen Limeskongresses (Szekesfehervar, 30 8 - 6 9 1976) / herausgegeben von J. Fitz Budapest - Akademiai Kiado, 1977 Testo Monografico Internazionale (1.) La Première Internationale / recueil de documents publié sous la dir. de Jacques Freymond Genève - Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales, 1962- . Testo Monografico Internazionale giovanile comunista Komintern, Kim i molodežnoe dviženie - 1919-1943 - sbornik dokumentov / a cura di Institut marksizma-leninizma pri CK KPSS Moskva - Politizdat, 1977 Testo Monografico |