Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 4995 di 5907       

Gran Bretagna - Department of economic affairs
Industrial reorganisation corporation - presented to Parliament (...) by command of Her Majesty, January 1966 / by the First secretary of State and secretary of State for economic affairs
London - HMSO, (1966 )
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Department of economic affairs
Prices and incomes policy - an "early warning" system / presented to Parliament by the First Secretariat of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs by command of Her Majesty
London - H.M.S.O., 1965
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Gran Bretagna - Department of economic affairs
Public purchasing and industrial efficiency / presented to Parliament by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Chancellor of the Exchequer by command of Her Majesty
London - H.M.S.O., 1967
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Department of overseas trade
Financial, commercial and economic Conditions in Brazil - October, 1928 / report by Stanley G. Irving ; with regional reports by His Majesty's Consular Officers at Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Pará, Bahia, Pernambuco and Porto Alegre
London - His Majesty's stationery office, 1929
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Gran Bretagna - Department of the environment
Indicators of sustainable development for the United Kingdom - a set of indicators produced for discussion and consultation by an interdepartmental workinggroup ... / Department of the environment
London - HMSO, 1996
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Gran Bretagna - Dominions Office
Report on the financial & economic position of Newfoundland / presented by the Secretary of State for the Dominions to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1946
London - His Majesty's Stationery office, (1946?)
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Gran Bretagna - East Africa commission
Report of the East Africa commission
London - HM stationery office, 1925
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Gran Bretagna - Economic Club
Family budgets - being the income and expenses of twenty-eight British households, 1891-1894 / compiled for the Economic Club ; with an introduction
London - P. S. King & son, 1896
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Gran Bretagna - Economic Research Council - Parliamentary and Industrial Committee
Preliminary survey of the economic and social implications of automation /Parliamentary and Industrial Committee of the Economic Research Council.- London - Published by the Economic Research Council, (doppo il 1956
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Gran Bretagna - Energy Committee
The third report from the Energy Committee (Session 1987-88) on the structure, regulation and economic consenquences of electricity supply in the private sector - follow-up / Energy Committee
London - HMSO, 1989
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Gran Bretagna - Foreign office
Economic cooperation - ninth report on operations under the economic cooperation agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America, covering the third calendar quarter of 1950 / presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Office and the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by command of His Majesty, december 1950
London - His Majesty's Stationery Office, stampa 1950
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Foreign office
Economic cooperation - second report on operations under the agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America, covering the fourth calendar quarter of 1948 / presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Office and the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by command of His Majesty, March 1949
London - His Majesty's Stationery Office, stampa 1949
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Gran Bretagna - Foreign office
Mauritius - report for the year 1967
London - HM stationery office, 1970
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Gran Bretagna - Interdepartmental Committee on research and development in the dependencies of the Falkland Islands
Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on research and development in the dependencies of the Falkland Islands ... / presented to parliament by command of His Majesty
London - HM stationery office, 1920
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Law commission
Shareholder remedies - a consultation paper / the Law Commission
London - The Stationery Office, ©1996
Testo Monografico