Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Economia (A-I)

Pagina nr. 4996 di 5907       

Gran Bretagna - Lord Privy Seal
The United Kingdom and the European communities - report by the Lord privy seal on the meetings with ministers of member States of the European coal and steel community at Luxembourg on October 4, 1962 and with ministers of member States of the European economic community at Brussels on October 8, 1962
London - HM stationery office, 1962
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Lord Privy Seal
The United Kingdom and the European economic community - report by the Lord privy seal on the meeting with ministers of member States of the European economic community at Brussels from August 1-5, 1962
London - HM stationery office,, 1962
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Lord Privy Seal
The United Kingdom and the European economic community - report by the Lord privy seal on the meeting with ministers of member States of the European economic community at Brussels from October 25-27, 1962
London - HM stationery office, 1962
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Lord Privy Seal
The United Kingdom and the European economic community - report by the Lord privy seal on the meeting with ministers of member States of the European economic community at Brussels on December 19 and 20, 1962
London - HM stationery office, 1962
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Ministry of agriculture fisheries and food
The farm as a business - a handbook of standards and statistics prepared in collaboration with the Provincial agricultural economics service for use in farm management advisory work / Ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food
London - her majesty's stationery office, 1958
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Ministry of overseas development
British aid statistics - statistics of economic aid to developing countries - 1968 to 1972 / Ministry of overseas development
London - HM stationery office, 1973
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Ministry of overseas development
Overseas development - the work in hand / presented to parliament by the minister of overseas development by command of her majesty
London - HM stationery office, 1967
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Ministry of transport
Road pricing - the economic and technical possibilities - report of a panel set up by the Ministry of transport / Ministry of transport
London - Her Majesty's stationery office, 1964
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Ministry of transport
Road procing - the economic and technical possibilities / report of a panel set up by the Ministry of Transport
London - H.M.S.O., 1964
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - National board for prices and incomes
Distributors' margins in relation to manufacturers' recommended prices / National Board for Prices and Incomes ; presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs ... (ed altri)
London - H.M.S.O., 1968
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - National board for prices and incomes
Proposals by the London Transport Board and British Railways Board for fare increases in the London area / National Board for Prices and Incomes ; presented to Parliament by the Secreary of State for Economic Affairs and the Minister of Transport by command of Her Majesty
London - H.M.S.O., 1968
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Office of manpower economics
Measured daywork - report / by the Office of manpower economics
London - Her majesty's stationery office, 1973
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Parlamento - House of Commons
Seventh report from the Expenditure Committee - together with the minutes of evidence taken before the public expenditure (general) sub-committee, appendices and index - session 1971/72 - public expenditure and economic management - ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 27th July 1972
London - Her Majesty's stationery office, (1972?
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Parliament - House of commons - Select committee on nationalised industries
Comments by nationalised industries on the national economic development Offrice repor - second special report from the Selected Committee on Nationalised Industries, sessio 1976-77
London - H.M.S.O., 1977
Testo Monografico

Gran Bretagna - Parliament - House of commons - Select committee on nationalised industries
The national economic development office report on nationalised industries - second special report from the Select Committee of nationalisd industries, sessio 1977-78
London - H.M.S.O., 1977
Testo Monografico