Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3234 di 8793       

European conference on advanced materials and processes (3. ; 1993 ; Parigi)
Euromat 93 - the 3rd European conference on advanced materials and processes - Paris, 8-10 June 1993 - abstracts
Les Ulis Cedex A - Les editions de physique, 1993
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European conference on advanced materials and processes (3. ; 1993 ; Parigi)
Euromat 93 - the 3rd european conference on advanced materials and processes, Paris, 8-10 June, 1993 / edited by- R. Pichoir and P. Costa
Les Ulis Cedex A - Les editions de physique, 1993
Incluso in > Journal de physique 4- Colloque - JP
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European conference on advanced materials and processes (4. ; 1995 ; Padova/Venezia)
The 4. European conference on advanced materials and processes, Padua/Venice, Italy, 25-28 September 1995 / organized by Associazione italiana di metallurgia on behalf of The federation of European materials societies
Milano - Associazione italiana di metallurgia, c1995
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European conference on advanced Materials and processes (7. ; 2001 ; Rimini)
Euromat 2001 - conference abstracts - 7. European conference on advanced materials and processes, Rimini - Italy 10-14 June 2001 / organised by Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 2001)
Incluso in > Euromat ... - ... meeting of the Federation of European Materials Society
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European conference on advanced materials and processes and applications (5. ; 1997 ; Maastricht)
Materials, functionality & design - proceedings of the 5. European conference on advanced materials and processes and applications - *Euromat 97, Maastrict -NL, 21-23 April 1997 / edited by L. A. J. L. Sarton and H. B. Zeedijk ; on behalf of the federation of European materials societies ; organised by the Netherlands society for materials science
Aj Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands - Netherlands society for materials science, c1997
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European conference on advances in nuclear physics and related areas (1997 ; Thessaloniki, Greece)
Proceedings of the European conference on advances in nuclear physics and related areas - Thessaloniki, Greece 8-12 July 1997 / editors D. M. Brink, M. E. Grypeos, S. E. Massen
Thessaloniki - Giahoudi-Giapouli, 1999
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European Conference on Animal Blood Groups and Biochemic
Proceedings (of the) XIth European Conference on Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Polymorphism - Warsaw, July 2nd-6th, 1968
The Hague - Junk, (1970)
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European Conference on Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Polymorphism
Polymorphismes biochimiques des animaux ...Paris, 5-8 juillet 1966 / European Conference on Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Polymorphism
Paris - Institut national de la recherche agronomique, 1967
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European conference on animal blood groups and biochemical polymorphism (11. ; Varsavia ; 1968)
11th european conference on animal blood groups and biochemical polymorphism - Warsaw, July 2nd-6th, 1968 - proceedings
The Hague - Dr. W Junk N.V., publishers ; Warszawa - PWN, Polish scientific publishers, ©1970
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European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (2. ; 1995 ; Edimburgo)
Applied superconductivity 1995 - proceedings of EUCAS 1995, the second European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3-6 July 1995 / edited by D. Dew-Hughes
Bristol ; Philadelphia - Institute of Physics, 1995
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European conference on applied superconductivity (6. ; 2003 ; Sorrento)
6th European conference on Applied superconductivity - 14-18 september 2003, Sorrento, Napoli - Italy - information, programme, abstracts
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 2003 )
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European conference on Architecture (1987 ; Monaco)
1987 european conference on architecture - 6-10 April 1987 Munich Federal Republic of Germany - summaries of papers - organised for the C.E.C. / by H. S. Stephens & Associates
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Commission of the European Communities, (1987?)
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European conference on artificial intelligence (10. ; 1992 ; Vienna)
ECAI 92 - 10. european conference on artificial intelligence - August 3-7, 1992, Vienna, Austria - proceedings / edited by Bernd Neumann, Werner Horn ; organised by the European Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) ; hosted by the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence
Chichester (etc.) - Wiley, c1992
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European conference on artificial intelligence (13. ; 1998 ; Brighton)
ECAI 98 - 13. European conference on artificial intelligence - august 23-28, 1998, Brighton, UK - proceedings / Edited by Henri Prade
Chichester (etc.) - J. Wiley & sons, c1998
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European conference on artificial intelligence (14. ; 2000 ; Berlino)
ECAI 2000 - 14. European conference on artificial inteligence - August 20-25, 2000, Berlin, Germany - including Prestigious applications of intelligent systems (PAIS-2000) - proceedings / Edited by Werner Horn
Amsterdam (etc.) - IOS ; Ohmsha, c2000
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