Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 3235 di 8793       

European conference on artificial intelligence (14. ; 2000 ; Berlino)
Local search for planning and scheduling - ECAI 2000 workshop - Berlin, Germany, August 21, 2000 - revised papers / Alexander Nareyek (ed.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c2001
Testo Monografico

European conference on artificial intelligence (15 ; 2002 ; Lione)
ECAI 2002 - 15. European conference on artificial intelligence - July 21-26, 2002, Lyon, France - including Prestigious applications of intelligent systems (PAIS 2002) - proceedings / edited by Frank van Harmelen
Amsterdam (etc.) - IOS Press ; Ohmsha, c2002
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European conference on artificial intelligence (16. ; 2004 ; Valenza)
ECAI 2004 - 16. European conference on artificial intelligence - August 22-27, 2004, Valencia, Spain - including Prestigious applicants of intelligent systems (PAIS 2004) - proceedings / edited by Ramon Lopez de Mantaras and Lorenza Saitta
Amsterdam (etc.) - IOS Press, c2004
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European conference on artificial intelligence (17. ; 2006 ; Riva del Garda)
ECAI 2006 - 17. European conference on artificial intelligence - August 29-September 1, 2006, Riva del Garda - including Prestigious applications of intelligent systems (PAIS 2006) - proceedings / edited by Gerhard Brewka ... (ed altri)
Amsterdam (etc.) - IOS Press, c2006
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European conference on artificial intelligence (6. ; 1984 ; Pisa)
Advances in artificial intelligence - proceedings of the sixth European confer ence on artificial intelligence, ECAI-84 - Pisa, Italy, september 5-7, 1984 / edited by Tim O'Shea
Amsterdam - North-Holland for the European coordinating committee for artificial intelligence, 1985
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European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (7. ; 1986 ; Brighton)
Advances in artificial intelligence, 2. - seventh European conference on artificial intelligence, ECAI-86, Brighton, U. K., July 20-25, 1986 / edited by Ben du Boulay, David Hogg, Luc Steels
Amsterdam - North Holland, 1987
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European conference on artificial intelligence (8. ; 1988 ; Monaco di Baviera)
ECAI 88 - Proceedings of the 8. European conference on artificial intelligence - August 1-5, 1988 / (edited by Yves Kodratoff)
London - Pitman, 1988
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European conference on artificial intelligence in medicine (1987 ; Marsiglia)
AIME 87 - European conference on artificial intelligence in medicine - Marseilles, August 31 - September 3, 1987 - proceedings / J. Fox, M. Fieschi, R. Engelbrecht (eds.)
Berlin (etc. - Springer Verlag, (©1987
Incluso in > Lecture notes in medical informatics
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European conference on artificial intelligence in medicine (2. ; 1989 ; Londra)
AIME 89 - second European conference on artificial intelligence in medicine - London 29-31, 1989 - proceedings / J. Hunter, J. Cookson, J. Wyatt (eds.)
Berlin (etc. - Springer-Verlag, (©1989
Incluso in > Lecture notes in medical informatics
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European Conference on Artificial Life (1. - 1991 - Paris)
Toward a practice of autonomous systems - proceedings of the first European Conference on Artificial Life / edited by Francisco J. Varela and Paul Bourgine
Cambridge - MIT Press, c1992
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European conference on artificial life (3. ; 1995 ; Granada)
Advances in artificial life - third European conference on artificial life - Granada, Spain, June 4-6, 1995 - proceedings / F. Moran ... ed altri (eds.)
Berlin ; Heidelberg - Springer, c1995
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European conference on artificial life (5. ; 1999 ; Losanna)
Advances in artificial life - 5. European conference, ECAL'99 - Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-17, 1999 - proceedings / Dario Floreano, Jean-Daniel Nicoud, Francesco Mondada (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1999
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European conference on artificial life (6. ; 2001 ; Praga)
Advances in artificial life - 6th European Conference, ECAL 2001, Prague, Czech Republic, September 10-14,2001 - proceedings / Jozef keleman, Petr Sosik (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer , c2001
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European Conference on Astronomy (1975 ; Leicester)
European conference on astronomy - Leicester (U.K.), 12-15 August 1975 / under sponsorship of European Physical Society, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division
(Geneva) - European Physical Society, (1975 )
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European conference on atomic and molecular phisics (6. ; 1998 ; Siena)
The sixth European conference on atomic and molecular physics - ECAMP 6. - Siena, Italy 14-18 July 1998 - book of abstracts / edited by V. Biancalana, P. Bicchi, E. Mariotti ; database and computer arrangement A. Marchini
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n. , stampa 1998 (Pisa - ETS)
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