Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Filosofia

Pagina nr. 7462 di 7552       

Wood, Alan
Bertrand Russell scettico appassionato / Alan Wood
Milano - G. Feltrinelli, 1960
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Wood, Allen W.
Hegel's ethical thought / Allen W. Wood
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1990
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Wood, Allen W.
Kant / Allen W. Wood
Malden °etc. - Blackwell, 2005
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Wood, Allen W.
Kant's rational theology / Allen W. Wood
Ithaca, N.Y - Cornell University Press, 1978
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Wood, Allen W.
Unsettling obligations - essays on reason, reality and the ethics of belief / Allen W. Wood
Stanford - CSLI, ©2002
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Wood, Ernest Egerton
La filosofia del Vedanta / Ernest E. Wood
Roma - Ubaldini, ©1976
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Wood, Ernest Egerton
Vedanta dictionary / Ernest Wood
London - P. Owen, 1964
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Wood, Ernest Egerton
Yoga / di Ernest Wood ; con un'appendice di Paolo Valli
Firenze - Sansoni, 1970
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Wood, Neal
John Locke and agrarian capitalism / Neal Wood
Berkeley etc. - University of California, 1984
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Woodbridge, Barry A.
Alfred North Whitehead - a primary-secondary bibliography / by Barry A. Woodbridge
Bowling Green - Bowling Green state university, ©1977
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Woodhouse, Christopher Montague
George Gemistos Plethon - the last of the Hellenes / C.M. Woodhouse
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1986
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Woodhouse, John R.
Giacomo Leoni (1686-1746), la traduzione del "De re aedificatoria" e influssi albertiniani sull' architettura inglese del Settecento / John Woodhouse
Incluso in > Leon Battista Alberti (1404-72) tra scienze e lettere - atti del Convegno organizzato in collaborazione con la Societe internationale Leon Battista Alberti (Parigi) e l'Istituto italiano per gli stud...
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Woodroffe, John George
Il potere del serpente - due opere sul Laya-yoga tradotte dal sanscrito, con introduzione e commento / Shat-chakra nirupana e Paduka panchaka
Roma - Edizioni mediterranee, 1968
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Woods, Alan
La rivolta della ragione - filosofia marxista e scienza moderna / Alan Woods e Ted Grant
Milano - A.C. editoriale Coop, 1997
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Woods, George Frederick
Theological explanation - a study of the meaning and the means of explaining in science, history and theology / based upon the Stanton lecture delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1953-1956, by G. F. Woods
Welwyn - J. Nisbet, 1958
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