Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Filosofia

Pagina nr. 7463 di 7552       

Woods, Michael
Conditionals / Michael Woods ; edited by David Wiggins ; with a commentary by Dorothy Edgington
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1997
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Woods, Thomas E.
Come la Chiesa cattolica ha costruito la civiltà occidentale / Thomas E. Woods jr
Siena - Cantagalli, (2007)
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Woolhouse, Roger
The empiricists / R. S. Woolhouse
Oxford ; New York - Oxford university press, 1988
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Workshop di studi filosofici Biblioteca tematica Potere e sapere (1. ; 2002-2003 ; Palermo)
Mappe concettuali, territori cognitivi - 1. Workshop di studi filosofici Biblioteca tematica Potere e sapere / a cura di Giuseppe Primiero, Giuseppe Rotolo ; prefazione di Franco Lo Piparo
Palermo - (s. n.), 2004 (Palermo - Luxograph)
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World congress of philosophy (20. ; 1998 ; Boston)
The proceedings of the twentieth World congress of philosophy
Bowling Green, OH - Philosophy Documentation Center
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World congress of sociology (5. ; 1962 ; Washington)
Transactions of the fifth world congress of sociology - Washington D. C., 2-8 September, 1962
London - International sociological association, 1962-1964
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Wormald, Brian Harvey Goodwin
Francis Bacon - history, politics and science, 1561-1626 / B.H.G. Wormald
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1993
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Worms, Frédéric
Introduction à Matière et mémoire de Bergson - suivie d'une brève introduction aux autres livres de Bergson / Frédéric Worms
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1997
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Worms, René
Philosophie des sciences sociales / par RenW1B0e Worms
Paris - V. Giard & E. BriW1A0ere
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Wormser, Gérard
Sartre - una sintesi / Gérard Wormser ; (traduzione di Chiara Pasquini ; cura di Gabriella Farina)
Milano - C. Marinotti, (2005)
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Worster, Donald
Storia delle idee ecologiche / Donald Worster
Bologna - Il mulino, 1994
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Worth, Sol
Through Navajo eyes - an exploration in film communication and anthropology / Sol Worth, John Adair ; with a new foreword, afterword and illustrations by Richard Chalfen
Albuquerque - Univ. of New Mexico, 1997
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Woud, Auke - van der
The art of building - from classicism to modernity - the Dutch architectural debate, 1840-1900 / Auke van der Woud
Aldershot ; Burlington - Ashgate, c2001
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Wouters, Paul
La bottega del filosofo - ferri del mestiere per pensatori debuttanti / Paul Wouters
Roma - Carocci, 2001
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Wright, Arthur F.
Studies in chinese buddhism / Arthur F. Wright ; ed. by Robert M. Somers
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, 1990
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