Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 941
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


Eckley, Mary
McCall's superb dessert cookbook / Mary Eckley, food editor of McCall's. - New York - Random House - McCall's, 1978
Testo Monografico

Eckstrom, Lawrence J.
Licensing in foreign and domestic operations / by Lawrence J. Eckstrom. -New York - Clark Boardman, 1972
Testo Monografico

Ecole libre des hautes etudes (New York)
Ecole libre des hautes etudes - annuaire
New York - New school for social research
Pubblicazione Periodica

Econometric society
1 - Papers invited for presentation at the Econometric society winter meetings - New York, 1969 / edited by Michael D. Intriligator
Amsterdam etc. - North-Holland ; New York - American Elsevier, 1971
Incluso in > Frontiers of quantitative economics / edited by Michael D. Intriligator and per il v. 2 David A. Kendrick
Testo Monografico

Ecumenical conference on foreign missions (21. April, 1 May 1900 ; New York)
Ecumenical missionary conference, New York, 1900 - report of the ecumenical conference on foreign missions, held in Carnegie Hall and neighboring churches, April 21 to May 1
London ; New York - Religious Tract Society - American Tract Society
Testo Monografico

Edgren, Emil
Sweet greeting / photo by Emil Edgren
New York - International news photos, 1956
Documento di tipo grafico

Edmonds, Walter D.
Chad Hanna / by Walter D. Edmonds. -New York - Grosset & Dunlap, c1940
Testo Monografico

Educational Conference (19. ; 1954 ; New York City)
Education in a free world - a report of the nineteenth Educational Conference, New York City, October 28-29, 1954, held under the auspices of the Educational Records Bureau and the American Council on Education / edited by Arthur E. Traxler
Washington - American Council on Education, 1955
Testo Monografico

Edward, Jane Kani
Sudanese women refugees - transformations and future imaginings / Jane Kani Edward. - New York (etc.) - Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - XIV, 268 p. ; 22 CM.
Testo Monografico

Edwards, Corwin D.
Control of cartels and monopolies - an international comparison - a study in comparative law published under the auspices of the Institute of comparative law, New York University school of law / by Corwin D. Edwards
Dobbs Ferry (NY) - Oceana, 1967
Testo Monografico

Edwards, George William
New York as an eighteenth century municipality, 1731-1776 / by George William Edwards
New York - Columbia University, 1917
Testo Monografico

Edwards, James B.
The use of performance measures / by James B. Edwards
Montvale, New Jersey - National Association of Accountants, c1986
Testo Monografico

Efferson, J. N.
701- 4.- Production and marketing of cauliflower in Delaware county, 1936 / J. N. Efferson
Ithaca - Cornell university, 1938
Incluso in > Economic studies of vegetable farming in New York
Testo Monografico

Efferson, J. N.
702- 5.- Production and marketing of lettuce in Oswego county, 1936 / J. N. Efferson
Ithaca - Cornell university, 1938
Incluso in > Economic studies of vegetable farming in New York
Testo Monografico

Efron, David
Gesto, razza e cultura - Indagine preliminare su alcuni aspetti ... del comportamento gestuale di ebrei orientali e italiani meridionali abitanti a New York ... / David Efron ; disegni di Stuvesant Van Veen ; traduzione di Michelangelo Spada
Milano - Bompiani, c1974
Testo Monografico

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