Efron, David Gesto, razza e cultura - Indagine preliminare su alcuni aspetti spazio-temporali e "linguistici" del comportamento gestuale di ebrei orientali e italiani meridionali abitanti a New York in condizioni ambientali sia simili che differenti / David Efron ; disegni di Stuyvesant Van Veen ; traduzione di Michelangelo Spada Milano - Bompiani, 1974 Testo Monografico Efron, David Gesto, razza e cultura - indagine preliminare su alcuni aspetti spazio-temporali e linguistici del comportamento gestuale di ebrei orientali e italiani meridionali abitanti a New York in condizioni ambientali sia simili che differenti / David Efron ; disegni di Stuyvessant Van Veen ; traduzione di Michelangelo Spada Milano - Bompiani, 1974 Testo Monografico Efron, David Gesture, race and culture - a tentative study of the spatio-temporal and linguistic aspects of the gestural behavior of eastern Jews and southern Italians in New York City, living under similar as well as different environmental conditions / by David Efron ; sketches by Stuyvesant Van Veen The Hague ; Paris - Mouton, 1972 Testo Monografico Eggleston, Edward The faith doctor - a story of New York New York - D. Appleton and Co., 1892 Testo Monografico Egoshi, Hank ( U.S.O. girl captures korean hill) / Hank Egoshi New York - United press photo, 1952 Documento di tipo grafico Ehrenreich, Barbara Fear of falling - the inner life of the middle class / Barbara Ehrenreich.- New York - Pantheon, copyr. 1989 Testo Monografico EIA symposium on numerical control systems for machine tools (1957 ; Los Angeles) Proceedings of the EIA symposium on numerical control systems for machine tools, Los Angeles, California, september 17 and 18, 1957 / sponsored by the Engineering Department of the Electronic Industries Association New York New York - Engineering publishers, c1957 Testo Monografico Eiberson, Harold Sources for the study of the New York area / Harold Eiberson New York - City college press, 1960 Testo Monografico Eide, Asbjorn Conscientious objection to military service / report prepared in persuance of resolution 14 (34) and 1982/30 of the Sub-Commission on prevention of discrimination and protection of minorities by Asbjorn Eide and Chama Mubanga-Chipoya. -New York - United Nations, 1985 Testo Monografico Einsele, Helga Das Frauengericht in New York / Helga Einsele Testo Monografico Einsemann, V. Volume 1- Methodology / V. Eisenmann ... (ed altri) Leiden - Brill, 1988 Incluso in > Studying fossil horses - collected papers after the "New York International Hipparion Conference, 1981 / editors Mike Woodburne and Paul Sondaar Testo Monografico Einstein, Albert Out of my later years / Albert Einstein - New York - Philosophical Library, (1950) Testo Monografico Eisenberg, Jerome M. Art of the ancient world. 4, Ancient, European, Oriental, Pre-Columbia & tribal works of art / Jerome M. Eisenberg, Royal-Athena Galleries New York - Beberly Hills - Royal-Athena Galleries, 1985 Testo Monografico Eisenberg, Jerome M. Gods and mortals 2.- bronzes of the ancient world from Italy to Egypt- New York, october 1 - 30, 2004 / text and catalog design by Jerome M. Eisenberg and F. Williamson Price New York, London - Royal-Athena Galleries, c2004 Testo Monografico Eisler, Colin T. Das Gebetbuch des Michelino da Besozzo, im Besitz der Pierpont Morgan library New York Testo Monografico |