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(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 957
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


Fisher, Irving
Portion of address delivered by Irving Fisher before Controllers Institute of America at third annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, September 18, 1934
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , (1934?
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Fisher, Irving
The stock market crash and after / by Irving Fisher, . New York - the MacMillan company, 1930
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Fisher, Waldo E.
Minimum price fixing in the bituminous coal industry - a report of the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York ... / Waldo E. Fisher, Charles M. James
Princeton - Princeton Univesity Press, 1955
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Fishman, Robert
Criminal recidivism in New York city - an evaluation of the impact of rehabilitation and diversion services / Robert Fishman
New York - Praeger, c1977
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Fishman, Ted C.
China, Inc. - How the rise of the next superpower challenges America and the world / Ted C. Fishman - New York (etc.) - Scribner, 2005
VII, 342 p. ; 24 cm.
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Fiske, John
Darwinism, and other essays / John Fiske. -Boston ; New York - Houghton, Mifflin e Co., 1885
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Fitzgerald, Francis Scott
Afternoon of an Author - a Selection of Uncollected Stories and Essays / by F. Scott Fitzgerald ; with an introduction and notes by Arthur Mizener. -New York - Charles Scribner's Sons, c1968
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Fitzgerald, Francis Scott
Babylon revisited, and other stories / Francis Scott Fitgerald. New York - Scribner, 1960
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Fitzgerald, Francis Scott
This side of Paradise / F. Scott Fitzgerald ; preface and nothes by James L. W. West III and Lynn Setzer, - New York - Scribner paperback fiction Simon & Schuster inc, 1998
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Fitzgerald, Robert
New York - 11 settembre 2001 / (testi di Robert Fitzgerald, Giovanna Magi, Maria Elena Velardi)
Firenze - Bonechi, 2001
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Fitzgerald, Stephen E.
Communicating ideas to the public - a practical application of public relations techniques to everyday problems in human communication / by Stephen E. Fitzgerald, public relations consuel, New York city
New York - Funk & Wagnalls company in association with Modern industry magazine, 1950
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Fitzpatrick, Joseph Percy
Hispanic intermarriage in New York city- 1975 / by Joseph P. Fitzpatrick and Douglas T. Gurak
New York - Hispanic research center, 1979
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Flanner, Janet
darlinghissima - letters to a friend / Janet Flanner ; edited and with commentary by Natalia Danesi Murray. _ New York - Random house,1985
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Fleming, Ian (1908-1964)
Octopussy and 007 in New York / Ian Fleming
London - Penguin Books, 2008
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Fleming, Ian (1908-1964)
Thrilling cities - con il racconto 007 a New York / Ian Fleming ; traduzione di Andrea Carlo Cappi ; postfazione di Edward Coffrini Dell'Orto
Milano - Alacran, 2006
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