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(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 958
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


Fleming, William
Arts & Ideas / William Fleming - 7. ed - New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1986 - X, 518 p. - ill. ; 24 cm
Testo Monografico

Fletcher, Robert Huntington
The Arthurian material in the chronicles - especially those of Great Britain and France / by Robert Huntington Fletcher - New York - Burt Franklin, 1906
Testo Monografico

Flick, Alexander Clarence
Loyalism in New York during thr American revolution / by Alexander Clarence Flick
New York - Columbia University press, 1901
Testo Monografico

Fliegers, Serge
( Humboldt, Iowa - danza in onore degli agricoltori russi in visita negli Stati Uniti - Alessandro Tulupnikov scandisce il tempo con i battimani / photo by Serge Fliegers
New York - International news photos, 1955
Documento di tipo grafico

Fliegers, Serge
Vladimir Matskevich, acting agricultural minister ... visiting America's farming centers ... smiles as barber Frank Pennington towels him off after completing job / Serge Fliegers
New York - International news photos, 1955
Documento di tipo grafico

Flinn, Michael W.
Readings in economic and social history / selected and edited by M. W. Flinn.- London (etc.) - Macmillan ; New York - St Martins Press, 1964
Testo Monografico

Flint, Anthony (1962- )
Wrestling with Moses - how Jane Jacobs took on New York's master builder and transformed the American city / Anthony Flint
New York - Random House, c2009
Testo Monografico

Flores d'Arcais, Alberto
New York / Alberto Flores d'Arcais
Firenze (etc.) - Giunti, 2008
Testo Monografico

Flores, Carol A.Hrvol
Owen Jones - Design, Ornament, Architecture and Theory in a Age in Transition / Carol A. Hrvol Flores. -New York - Rizzoli International, 2006
Testo Monografico

Flores-Ferran, Nydia
Subject personal pronouns in Spanish narratives of Puerto Ricans in New York city - a sociolinguistic perspective / Nydia Flores-Ferran
Munchen - Lincom, 2002
Testo Monografico

Fluegeman, Richard H.
Lower Paleogene biostratigraphy of Cuba / edited by Richard H. Fluegeman and Marie-Pierre Aubry - New York - Micropaleontology Press AmericanMuseum of Natural History, 1999
Testo Monografico

Focarelli, Carlo
La convenzione di New York sui diritti del fanciullo e il concetto di best interests of the child / Carlo Focarelli.
Testo a Stampa

Fogg art museum
La Collection Grenville L. Winthrop- Ingres, Burne-Jones, Whistler, Renoir... - chefs-d'oeuvre du Fogg Art Museum, Université de Harvard / sous la direction de Stephan Wolohojian, assisté d'Anna Tahinci - 11 mars - 26 mai 2003, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon - Londres , The National Gallery, 25 juin - 14 septembre 2003 - New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 20 octobre 2003 - 25 janvier 2004
Paris - Rénion des musées nationaux, 2003
Testo Monografico

Foglia, Giambattista
La borsa valori di New York / Giambattista Foglia
Milano - C. Marzorati, 1948 (Lucino)
Testo Monografico

Foley, Rae
New York - Novantunesima Ovest / Rae Foley
Milano - Mondadori, 1977
Testo Monografico

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