Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5189 di 5334       

Johnson, Stanley P.
The Environmental policy of the European Communities / Stanley P. Johnson, Guy Corcelle
London etc. - Graham and Trotman, 1989
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Johnson, Stanley P.
The environmental policy of the European Communities / Stanley P. Johnson, Guy Corcelle
London (etc.) - Kluwer, 1995
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Johnson, Stanley P.
World population and the united Nations - challenge and response / Stanley P. Johnson
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1990
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Johnson, Sterling
Black globalism - the international politics of a non-state nation / Sterling Johnson
Aldershot etc. - Ashgate, ©1998
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Johnson, Timothy A.
John Adams's Nixon in China - musical analysis, historical and political perspectives / Timothy A. Johnson
Furnham - Ashgate, c2011
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Johnson, W. R.
The Cameroon Federation - political integration in a fragmentary society / Willard Raymond Johnson
Princeton- Princeton University Press, 1970
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Johnson, Walter
The battle against isolation / by Walter Johnson
New York - Da Capo Press, 1973
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Johnson, William C.
Public administration - policy, politics, and practice / William C. Johnson
Guilford, Connecticut - The Dushkin Publishing Group, 1992
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Johnson, William C.
Urban planning and politics / William C. Johnson
Chicago ; Washington, D.C. - American planning association, c1997
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Johnson, William Stacy
A time to embrace - same-gender relationships in religion, law, and politics / William Stacy Johnson
Grand Rapids, Mich. - William B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., 2006
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Johnson-Cartee, Karen S.
Manipulation of the American voter - political campaign commercials / Karen S. Johnson-Cartee and Gary A. Copeland
Westport ; London - Praeger, 1997
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Johnson-Cartee, Karen S.
Negative political advertising - coming of age / Karen S. Johnson-Cartee, Gary A. Copeland
Hillsdale etc. - L. Erlbaum associates, 1991
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Johnson-Cartee, Karen S.
News narratives and news framing - constructing political reality / Karen S. Johnson-Cartee
Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2005
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Johnsson, Christer
International Aviation and the Politics of Regime Change / Christer Jonsson
London - Pinter, 1987
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Johnston, Alexander
The genesis of a New England state (Connecticut) - read before the Historical and political science association, april 13 1883 / by Alexander Johnston
Baltimore - John Hopkins University, 1883
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