Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5190 di 5334       

Johnston, David
The rhetoric of "Leviathan" - Thomas Hobbes and the politics of cultural transformation / David Johnston
Princeton - Princeton university, c1986
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Johnston, David
The rhetoric of Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes and the politics of cultural transformation / David Johnston
Princeton, NJ - Princeton university press, copyr. 1986
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Johnston, Douglas M.
Pacific Ocean boundary problems - status and solutions / Douglas M. Johnston and Mark J. Valencia
Dordrecht etc. - M. Nijhoff, c1991
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Johnston, Edith Mary
Great Britain and Ireland, 1760-1800 - a study in political administration ... / published for the University Court of the University of St. Andrews
Edinburgh ; London - Oliver and Boyd, 1963
Incluso in > St. Andrews University publications .
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Johnston, Kate
A physical, historical, political, & descriptive geography / by Keith Johnston
London - E. Stanford, 1880
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Johnston, Keith
A physical, historical, political, & descriptive geography / by Keith Johnston
London - E. Stanford, 1896
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Johnston, Les (1948-
Marxism, class analysis and socialist pluralism - a theoretical and political critique of marxist conceptions of politics
London - Allen & Unwin, 1986
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Johnston, Otto W.
Der deutsche Nationalmythos - Ursprung eines politischen Programms / Otto W. Johnston
Stuttgart - J. B. Metzler, ©1990
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Johnston, Patrick (omonimi non identificati)
Timber booms, state busts- the political economy of liberian timber / Patrick Johnston
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Johnston, Richard
The 2000 presidential election and the foundations of party politics / Richard Johnston, Michael G. Hagen, Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2004
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Johnston, Robert (1567 -1639)
Historia rerum Britannicarum- ut et multarum Gallicarum, Belgicarum, & Germanicarum, tàm politicarum, quàm ecclesiasticarum, ab anno 1572, ad annum 1628- auctore Roberto Jonhstono , Scoto-Britanno. Adjectus est rerum ac personarum, de quibus in hoc volumine, index absolutissimus
Amstelaedami - sumptibus Joannis Ravesteynii, 1655 (Goudae - typis Guilielmi Vander Hoeve, 1655)
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Johnston, Robert H.
Tradition versus revolution Russia and the Balkans in 1917 / Robert H. Johnston
Boulder - East European quarterly, 1977
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Johnston, Ronald John
Geography and the state - an essay in political geography / R. J. Johnston
London - Macmillan, 1982
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Johnston, Ronald John
The geography of English politics - the 1983 general elections / Ronald John Johnston
London etc. - Croom Helm, 1985
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Johnston, Ronald John
Nature, state and economy - a political economy of the environment / R. J. Johnston
Chichester - John Wiley & Sons, c1996
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