Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 153 di 6283       

Andergassen, Leo
Arte sacra a Marlengo - arte sacra in Alto Adige / Leo Andergassen, Karl Greiter
Bolzano - Pluristamp, ©1994
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Andergassen, Leo
Kirchliche Kunst in Marling / Leo Andergassen, Karl Greiter
Bozen - Pluristamp, ©1994
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Andergassen, Leo
Sarntaler Kirchenkunst / Leo Andergassen
Lana - Tappeiner, ©1996
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Anderlic, Joze
Religious art in Slovenia / Joze Anderlic, Marijan Zadnikar
Ljubljana - Mladinska Knjiga, 1986
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Anders, Ferdinand
Religión, costumbres e historia de los antiguos mexicanos - libro eplicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano A (Codex Vatic. Lat. 3738 de la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana) / Ferdinand Anders, Maarten Jansen, Luis Reyes García ; introducción y explicación Ferdinand Anders, Maarten Jansen
Graz - Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt ; México - Fondo de cultura económica, 1996
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Andersen, Svend
Back to the Christian State European Perspectives on Religion and Public Morality / Svend Andersen.
Incluso in > The sources of public morality - on the ethics and religion debate - proceedings of the annual conference of the Societas Ethica in Berlin, August 2001 / Ulrik Nissen, Svend Andersen, Lars Reuter (...
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Anderson, Allan
The Gospel and African religion / Allan Anderson
Incluso in > International review of mission / publ. by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches
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Anderson, Allan H.
The Lekganyanes and prophecy in the Zion Christian Church / by Allan H. Anderson
Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa
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Anderson, Allan H.
New african initiated pentecostalism and charismatics in South Africa / by Allan Anderson
Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa
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Anderson, Edward F.
Peyote - the divine cactus / Edward F. Anderson
Tucson (AZ) - University of Arizona press, 1996
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Anderson, G. W.
The History and Religion of Israel / G. W. Anderson
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1966
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Anderson, Graham
Fairytale in the ancient world / Graham Anderson
London ; New York - Routledge, 2000
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Anderson, Graham
Sage, saint and sophist - holy men and their associates in the early Roman Empire / Graham Anderson
London ; New York - Routledge, 1994
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Anderson, Henry
An enquiry into the natural right of mankind to debate freely concerning religion. Wherein the maxims advanced by several late writers upon this subject, are examined. By a Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn (Henry Anderson ..
London - printed for C. Davis in Pater-noster-Row, and G. Hawkins at Milton's-Head between the Temple Gates, Fleet-street, 1737
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Anderson, Jeff S.
From "communities of texts" to religious communities - problems and pitfalls / Jeff S. Anderson.
Incluso in > Enoch and Qumran origins - new light on a forgotten connection / edited by Gabriele Boccaccini ; associate editors J. Harold Ellens and James Alan Waddell ; with the collaboration of Jason von Ehrenk...
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