Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 154 di 6283       

Anderson, John
Religious liberty in transitional societies - the politics of religion / John Anderson
Cambridge - University press, 2003
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Anderson, John (dr.)
Religion, state and politics in the Soviet Union and successor states / John Anderson
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, 1994
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Anderson, Margaret C.
L' inconoscibile Gurdjieff / Margaret Anderson
Roma - Gremese, 1996
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Anderson, Marvin Walter
Evangelical foundations - religion in England - 1378-1683 / Marvin W. Anderson
New York etc. - Lang, c1987
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Anderson, Mary M.
The festivals of Nepal / by Mary M. Anderson
London - George Allen & Unwin, 1971
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Anderson, Norman
Christianity and world religions / Norman Anderson
Leicester...(etc.) - Inter-Varsity press, 1984
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Anderson, Norman
Il futuro dell'Islam / Norman Anderson
Incluso in > Le religioni del mondo
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Anderson, Norman
La legge dell'islam / Norman Anderson
Incluso in > Le religioni del mondo
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Anderson, Pamela Sue
A Feminist Philosophy of Religion - The Rationality and Myths of Religious Belief / Pamela Sue Anderson
Oxford - Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998
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Anderson, Paul B.
L eglise et la nation en russie sovietique - people, church and state in modern russia / Paul B. Anderson ; traduit de l'anglais par C. Wilczkowski
Paris - Calmann Levy, stampa 1946
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Anderson, Paul N.
Religion and Violence- from Pawn to Scapegoat / Paul N. Anderson.
Incluso in > 2. Religion, Psychology, and Violence / J. Harold Ellens, editor ; foreword by Martin E. Marty ; Ad Testimonium by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
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Anderson, Robert (religioso)
Practical religion exemplified by letters and passages from the life of the late Rev. Robert Anderson ... / by the hon. Mrs. Anderson
London - Francis & John Rivington, 1845
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Anderson, Walter Truett
Reality - isn't what it used to be - theatrical politics, ready-to-wear religion, global myths, primitive chic, and other wonders of the postmodern world / Walter Truett Anderson
New York - HarperSanFrancisco, c1990
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Anderson, Walter Truett
Reality isn't what it used to be - theatrical politics, ready-to-wear religion, global myths, primitive chic, and other wonders of the postmodern world / Walter Truett Anderson
San Francisco - Harper & Row, 1990
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Anderton, James (1557-1618)
Apologia protestantum pro Romana Ecclesia in tres diuisa tractatus quorum primus. antiquitatem & perpetuam Romanae Ecclesiae & illius fidei ac religionis ... demonstrat. Secundus. 1. Protestantūm congregationem ac religionem nusquam ante Lutherum apparuisse ostendit. ... Per Ioannem Brerleium sacerdotem Anglum vulgari idiomate composita, & per Guilielmum Raynerium Latinč versa. ..
Lutetiae Parisiorum - e' typographia Ioannis Ducarroy, prope Collegium Rhemense, 1615
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