Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 695 of 1913       

Case, Ermine Cowles
Indications of a cotylosaur and of a new form of fish from the triassic beds of Texas, with remarks on the shinarump conglomerate / by E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1928?)
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
Vol.28,17-19- New or little known reptiles and amphibioans from the permian (?) of Texas - ?The ?skeleton of Paecilospondylus francisi, a new genus and species of pelycosauria - *Description of a skeleton of dimetrodon incisivus cope / by E. C. Case
New York - American Museum of Natural History, 1910
It's a part of > Bulletin of the American museum of natural history
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
A new species of Trionychid turtle, Amyda nelsoni, from the eocene beds of southwestern Wyoming / E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1927?)
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
Note on a new species of the eocene crocodilian Allognathosuchus, A. Wartheni / E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1925?)
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
Vol.24,26- Notes on the skull of lysorophus tricarinatus cope / by E. C. Case
New York - American Museum of Natural History, 1908
It's a part of > Bulletin of the American museum of natural history
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
On the lower jaw of Brachysuchus megalodon / by E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1930?)
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
Vol.22,2- On the skull of edaphosaurus Pogonias cope / by E. C. Case
New York - American Museum of Natural History, 1906
It's a part of > Bulletin of the American museum of natural history
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
A possible explanation of fenestration in the primitive reptilian skull, with notes on the temporal region of the genus Dimetrodon / E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1924?)
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
A specimen of Stylemys nebrascensis Leidy, with the skull preserved / E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1925?)
Monographic text

Case, Ermine Cowles
The vertebral column of Coelophysis Cope / E. C. Case
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, (1927?)
Monographic text

Case, Shirley Jackson
The evolution of early christianity - a genetic study of first-century christianity in relation to its religious environment / by Shirley Jackson case
Chicago - The University of Chicago, 1914
Monographic text

Case, Shirley Jackson
The millennial hope - a phase of war-time thinking / Shirley Jackson Case
Chicago - The University of Chicago Press, (1918?
Monographic text

Casella, Alfredo
11 children's pieces - for piano solo / by Alfredo Casella
New York - Associated Music Publishers, c1921

Casella, Alfredo
Concerto per due violini, viola e violoncello / per Alfredo Casella
New York - Universal, ©1924

Caselli, Fernando
Les bases d'un paix durable - ecrit a la demande du New York Times / par Cosmos
New York - Charles Scribner's sons, 1917
Monographic text

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