Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 696 of 1913       

Caselli, Fernando
Les bases d'une paix durable - icrit a la demande du New York Times / par Cosmos
New York - C. Scribner's Sons, 1917
Monographic text

Casey, Robert P.
Clement of Alexandria and the beginnings of christian platonism / Robert P. Casey
Cambridge - Harvard university press , 1925
Monographic text

Casey, Robert P.
Two notes on valentinian theology / Robert P. Casey
Cambridge - Harvard university press, 1930
Monographic text

Casey, Robert Pierce
The text of the Anti-Manichaean writings of Titus of Bostra and Serapion of Thmuis / Robert Pierce Casey
Cambridge (Mass) - Harvard Divinity School, 1928
Monographic text

Caskey, Lacey Davis
Geometry of Greek vases - Attic vases in the Museum of fine arts analysed according to the principles of proportion discovered by Jay Hambidge / by L. D. Caskey
Boston - Museum of fine arts, 1922
Monographic text

Casper Branner, John
Resumo da geologia do Brasil para acompahar o mappa geologico do Brasil / por John Casper Branner
Washington - Judd & Detweiler, 1920
Monographic text

Cassel, Gustav
Foreign investments - lectures on the Harris Foundations 1928 / by Gustav Cassel ... (and others)
Chicago - the University press, 1928
Monographic text

Cassel, Gustav
The nature and necessity of interest / by Gustav Cassel
New York - Kelley, 1971
Monographic text

Cassel, Gustav
Post-war monetary stabilization / by Gustav Cassel
New York - Columbia University press, 1928
Monographic text

Cassirer, Ernst
Substance and function ; Einsteins theory of relativity - both books bound as one / by Ernst Cassirer
New York - Dover, c1923
Monographic text

Casson, Herbert N.
Cyrus Hall McCormick - his life and work / by Herbert N. Casson
Chicago - A. C. McClurg e Co., 1909
Monographic text

Casson, Herbert Newton
Organized self-help - a history and defence of the American labor movement / by Herbert N. Casson
New Yor - P. Eckler, 1901
Monographic text

Castaneda, Francisco - de
Official reports on the towns of Tequizistlan, Tepechpan, Acolman, and San Juan Teotihuacan sent by Francisco de Castaneda to His Majesty Philipp II, and the Council of the Indies, in 1580 ; translated and edited, with an introduction and notes by Zelia Nuttal
Cambridge, Mass. - Peabody museum, 1926
Monographic text

Castanhoso, Miguel - de
The Portuguese expedition to Abissinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by Castanhoso, with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from Correa / translated and edited by R. S. Whiteway
Millwood, N.Y. - Kraus Reprint, 1967
Monographic text

Castellani, Aldo (1874-1971)
Fungi and fungous diseases / Aldo Castellani
Chicago, Ill. - American medical association, 1928
Monographic text

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