Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 707 of 1913       

Chapman, John Jay
Deutschland Uber Alles or Germany Speaks - a collection of the Utterances of Representative ... / compiled and analyzed by John Jay Chapman
New York ; London - Putnam - The Knickerbocker, 1914
Monographic text

Chapman, John Jay
Letters and religion / by John Jay Chapman
Boston - The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1924
Monographic text

Chapman, John Martin
Fiscal functions of the federal reserve banks / by John M. Chapman ; with an introduction by H. Parker Willis
New York - the Ronald press Co., 1923
Monographic text

Chapman, Maristan
The happy mountain / Maristan Chapman
New York - The Viking Press, 1928
Monographic text

Chapman, Royal N.
67- Observations on the life history of Taphrocerus gracilis (Say) (Beetle, family, buprestidae) / Royal N. Chapman
Ithaca - Cornell university, 1922
It's a part of > Memoir / Cornell university, Agricultural experiment station
Monographic text

Chapman, Sydney John
The Lancashire cotton industry - a study in economic development (1904) / by Sydney J. Chapman
Clifton - A. M. Kelley, 1973
Monographic text

Chapple, Joe Mitchell
Life and times of Warren G. Harding, our after-war president / by Joe Mitchell Chapple
Boston - Chapple, 1924
Monographic text

Charaucle, Bonis
I lupi - dramma in un atto / Bonis Charaucle
Brooklyn - Gruppo Anarchico Souvarine, 1915
Monographic text

Charbonnaud, Roger
Les idées économiques de Voltaire / Roger Charbonnaud
New York - Burt Franklin, 1970
Monographic text

Chardon, Henri
Nouveaux documents sur la vie de Moliere - M. de Moliere, ses deux femmes et Madeleine Bejart / par Henri Chardon
New York - Burt Franklin, 1972
Monographic text

Charles, Heinrich
The romance of the name America
New York - (s.n.), 1909
Monographic text

Charlesworth, Martin Percival
Trade-routes and commerce of the Roman Empire / by M. P. Charlesworth
New York - Cooper Square publishers, 1970
Monographic text

Charlety, Sebastien
Histoire de Lyon depuis les origines jusqu'á nos jours / Sébastien Charléty
Charleston - Nabu, 2010
Monographic text

Charlton, T. Lewis
An elementary latin dictionary / by Charlton T. Lewis ; with an appendix of names of persons and places
New York ; Cinnati ; Chicago - American Book Company, c1918
Monographic text

Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Benson
Theodore Roosevelt / by Lord Charnwood
Boston - The Atlantic Monthly press, c1923
Monographic text

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