Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 708 of 1913       

Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Benson
Tracks in the snow / by Lord Charnwood
New York - Lincoln Mac Veagh The Dial Press, 1928
Monographic text

Chase National Bank of the City of New York
The Chase economic bulletin / Chase National Bank of the City of New York
New York - The Bank, 1920-

Chase, Cleveland Bruce
The young Voltaire / by Cleveland B. Chase
London - Longmans - Green, 1926
Monographic text

Chase, Ernest Dudley
The romance of greeting cards - an historical account on the origin, evolution, and development of the Christmas card, valentine, and other forms of engraved or printed greetings from the earliest days to the present time / Ernest Dudley Chase ; with an introduction by Harry W. Brown
Detroit - Tower books, 1971
Monographic text

Chase, George H.
Catalogue of Arretine pottery / by George H. Chase
Boston ; New York - Houghton Mifflin company, 1916
Monographic text

Chase, George H.
Greek and Roman sculpture in American collections / by George H. Chase
Cambridge - Harvard University press, 1924
Monographic text

Chase, George H.
The Loeb collection of arretine pottery / catalogued with introduction and descriptive notes by George H. Chase
New York - (s.n.), 1908
Monographic text

Chase, Lewis
Poe and his poetry / by Lewis Chase
London - G. G. Harrap, 1913
Monographic text

Chase, Lewis Nathaniel
The english heroic play - a critical description of the rhymed tragedy of the restoration / by Lewis Nathaniel Chase
New York - Columbia University press ; London - Macmillan, 1903
Monographic text

Chase, Stuart
Men and machines / by Stuart Chase ; illustrated by W. T. Murch
New York - Macmillan, 1929
Monographic text

Chase, Stuart
Prosperity- fact or myth / Stuart Chase
New York - Albert and Charles Boni, 1930
Monographic text

Chase, Stuart
The tragedy of waste / by Stuart Chase
New York - MacMillan company, 1926
Monographic text

Chase, Stuart
The tragedy of waste / by Stuart Chase ; in conjunction with the Labor Bureau Incorporated
New York - Macmillan, 1925
Monographic text

Chase, Stuart
Your moneys worth - a study in the waste of the consumers dollar / by Stuart Chanse and F. J. Schlink
New York - Macmillan, 1927
Monographic text

Chateaubriand, François-René - de
Les aventures du dernier Abencerage / par Chateaubriand ; edited with notes and vocabulary by James D. Bruner
New York (etc.) - American Book Company, 1903
Monographic text

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