Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 50 of 1877       

2 / M. A. Aldanov
N'ju-Jork - Izdatel'stvo imeni Cehova, 1952
It's a part of > Zivi kak hoces' - roman / M. A. Aldanov
Monographic text

2 / M. E. Parker
, 1953
It's a part of > Elements of food engineering / E. M. Parker, E. H. Harvey, E. S. Stateler
Monographic text

2 / M. L. Cartwright ... and others ; edited by S. Lefschetz
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University press, 1952
It's a part of > Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations / edited by S. Lefschetz
Monographic text

2 / Mahler
New York City - International Music company, ©1950
It's a part of > 24 songs for voice and piano - high / Mahler

2 / Maurice G. kendall
New York - Hafner, 1951
It's a part of > The advanced theory of statistics / Maurice G. Kendall
Monographic text

2 / Merle Curti ... and others
New York - Harper & brothers, ©1950
It's a part of > An American history / Merle Curti ... et al.
Monographic text

2 / Merlo J. Pusey
New York - The Macmillan Co., 1951
It's a part of > Charles Evans Hughes / Merlo J. Pusey
Monographic text

2 / Merlo J. Pusey
New York - The Macmillan Co., 1952
It's a part of > Charles Evans Hughes / Merlo J. Pusey
Monographic text

2 / Michael T. Florinky
New York - Macmillan, 1953
It's a part of > Russia - a history and an interpretation / by Michael T. Florinsky
Monographic text

2 / P. N. Miljukov
N'ju-Jork - Izdatel'stvo imeni Cehova, 1955
It's a part of > Vospominanija - (1859-1917) / P. N. Miljukov ; pod redakciej N. M. Karpovica i B. I. Elkina
Monographic text

2 / Paul A. Freund
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and Company, 1954
It's a part of > Constitutional law - Cases and Other Problems / Paul A. Freund ...(et al.
Monographic text

2 / Pliny
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University press ; London - Heinemann, 1953
It's a part of > Letters / Pliny ; with an english translation by William Melmoth ; revised by W. M. L. Hutchinson
Monographic text

2 / prepared by the Bureau of naval personnel
Washington - Government printing office, 1951
It's a part of > Mathematics / prepared by the Bureau of naval personnel
Monographic text

2 / prepared under the editorship of Emil Ott, Harold M. Spurlin, Mildred W. Grafflin
New York ; London - Interscience, ©1954
It's a part of > Cellulose and cellulose derivates / prepared under the editorship of Emil Ott, Harold M. Spurlin, Mildred W. Grafflin
Monographic text

2 / R. Carlyle Buley
New York - Appleton century crofts, 1953
It's a part of > The American life convention 1906-1952 - a study in the history of life insurance / by R. Carlyle Buley
Monographic text

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