Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 51 of 1877       

2 / Ralph Buchsbaum
Harmondsworth - Penguin, 1951
It's a part of > Animals without backbones - an introduction to the invertebrates / Ralph Buchsbaum
Monographic text

2 / Roscoe N. Gray
Albany - Bender, 1950
It's a part of > Attorneys' textbook of medicine / Roscoe N. Gray
Monographic text

2 / Rose H. Alschuler and La Berta Weiss Hattwick
Chicago, Ill. - the University of Chicago press, stampa 1951
It's a part of > Painting and personality - a study of young children / Rose H. Alschuler and La Berta Weiss Hattwick
Monographic text

2 / Rt. Rev. Msgr. Arthur J. Thonne
Emporia, Kansas - Didde Printing Company, c1954
It's a part of > Occasional talks / Arthur Tonne
Monographic text

2 / S. N. Prokopovic
N'ju-Jork - Izdatel'stvo imeni Cehova, 1952
It's a part of > Narodnoe hozjastvo SSSR / S. N. Prokopovic
Monographic text

2 / Selected and edited by Fernando Puma
New York - Permabooks, c1954
It's a part of > 7 arts / edited by Fernando Puma
Monographic text

2 / Stanley T. Williams
New Haven - Yale University press ; London - OxfordUniversity press, 1955
It's a part of > The Spanish background of American literature / Stanley T. Williams
Monographic text

2 / translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province ; revised by Daniel J. Sullivan
Chicago etc - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1952
It's a part of > The Summa theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas / translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province ; revised by Daniel J. Sullivan
Monographic text

2 / W. H. Sebrell, Jr. (and) Robert S. Harris
New York - Academic Press, ©1954
It's a part of > The vitamins - Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology / ed. by W. H. Sebrell, Robert S. Harris
Monographic text

2 / W. Trinks
New York - Wiley ; London - Chapman & Hall, 1955
It's a part of > Industrial furnaces / by W. Trinks
Monographic text

2 / Weissenborn
New York - Inernational music company, c1952
It's a part of > Studies for bassoon / Weissenborn ; edited by Simon Kovar

2 / William Allan Neilson, Thomas A. Knott, Paul W. Carhart
Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. - G & C. Merriam company
It's a part of > Websters new international dictionary of the english language - utilizing all the experience and resources of more than one hundred years of merriam-webster dictionaries / William Allan Neilson edito...
Monographic text

2 / William D. Stroud
Philadelphia - Davis Company, 1952
It's a part of > Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease / edited by William D. Stroud
Monographic text

2 / William Winslow Crosskey
Chicago (etc.) - University of Chicago press, 1953
It's a part of > Politics and the Constitution in the in the history of the United States / by William Winslow Crossley
Monographic text

2 / with foreword by Arthur T. Vanderbilt
New York - Grosby Press, 1953
It's a part of > Organized crime and law enforcement - the reports (by), research studies and model statutes and commentaries prepared for the American Bar Association Commission on organized crime / edited by Morris...
Monographic text

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