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Magazine Language in culture - conference on the interrelations of language and other aspects of culture / edited by Harry Hoijer Chicago - University press, c1954 Monographic text The language of social research - a reader in the methodology of social research / ed. by P. F. Lazarsfeld and M. Rosenberg New York - The free press ; London - Collier-Macmillan, c1955 Monographic text The language of social research - a reader in the methodology of social research / edited by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Morris Rosenberg Glencoe, Ill. - Free press, c1955 Monographic text Il Lanternino - the small lantern - Italian weekly newspaper Camden - s.n. Magazine The laryngoscope - an international monthly journal devoted to diseases of the ear, nose, throat - official organ of the American otological society and similar organizations (1940-1947); of the American laryngological, rhinological and otological society, (1948-1975) St. Louis, MO - Triological foundation (etc. , 1896- Magazine Las Vegas - Ballerine nelle Folies Bergère New York - Globe photos, (1951-1960) Graphic document 4.- Last full measure / by J. G. Randall and Richard N. Current New York - Dodd, Mead & company, 1955 It's a part of > Lincoln the president / by J. G. Randall Monographic text Late babylonian astronomical and related texts / copied by T. G. Pinches and J. N. Strassmaier ; prepared for the publication by A. J. Sachs with the cooperation of F. Schaumberger Providence - Brown University press, 1955 Monographic text Late classical and mediaeval studies in honor of Albert Mathias Friend, jr. / edited by Kurt Weitzmann ; with the assistance of Sirarpie der Nersessian ... (and others) Princeton - Princeton university press, 1955 Monographic text Latest picture of President and Cabinet - Washington - this is the latest picture of president Truman and his cabinet ... clockwise around the table- Oscar L. Chapman (interior); Charles Sawyer (commerce); vice president Alben Barkley; Maurice Tobin (labor); Charles Brannan (agriculture); Jesse Donaldson (postmaster general); Louis Johnson (defense); Dean Acheson (state); president Truman; John Snyder (treasury); and J. Howard McGrath (attorney general) New York - Acme newspictures, 1950 Graphic document Latin literature in translation / by Kevin Guinagh and Alfred P. Dorjahn New York etc. - Longmans, Green and co., 1952 Monographic text Latin treatises on comets between 1238 and 1368 A.D. / edited by Lynn Thorndike Chicago - University of Chicago Press, 1950 Monographic text ( Laurel (Usa) - i cassetti di Giorgio Washington) New York - Wide world photo, 1951 Graphic document Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart (New York) - Globe photos, 1955 Graphic document |