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Durham - Duke university school of law Magazine Law and contemporary problems / School of law, Duke university 1(1933)- ... -Durham - School of law Duke university, 1933- Magazine Law and politics in the wold community - essays on Hans Kelsen's pure theory and related problems in international law / compiled and edited by George A. Lipsky Berkeley etc. - University of California Press, 1953 Monographic text Law and politics in the world community - essays on Hans Kelsen's, pure theory and related problems in international law / compiled and edited by George A. Lipsky Berkley ... (etc.) - University of California, 1953 Monographic text Law concerning the nationality of ships New York - United Nations, 1955 Monographic text Law library journal - official publication of the American association of law libraries Chicago - American association of law libraries, - 26 cm Magazine Law reform and law making - a reprint of a series of broadcast talks Cambdridge - W. Heffer & sons, 1953 Monographic text 2- The laws of the thought (1854) / George Boole La Salle (Ill.) - The Open Court, 1952 It's a part of > Collected logical Works / George Boole Monographic text 2- Laws relating to Jurisdiction over Crimes Committed Abroad or on the High Seas New York - United Nations, 1952 It's a part of > Laws and regulations on the regime of the high seas Monographic text 4- Leader of the revolution / by Douglas Southall Freeman New York - Scribner's, 1951 It's a part of > George Washington - a biography / by Douglas Southall Freeman Monographic text Leaflets of botanical conservation and criticism Washington Magazine 1- Learning and instruction / edited by Nelson B. Henry Chicago - Chicago University press, 1950 It's a part of > The forty-ninth yearbook of the National society for the study of education Monographic text The learning of mathematics - its theory and practice / (Howard F. Fehr editor) Washington - the National council of teachers of mathematics, 1953 Monographic text Learning theory, personality theory, and clinical research - the Kentucky symposium / Donald K. Adams... (and others) New York - Wiley ; London - Chapman & Hall, c1954 Monographic text Leaves of grass - one hundred years after - essays by William Carlos Williams ... and others / edited and with an introduction by Milton Hindus Stanford California - Stanford university press ; London - Oxford university press, 1955 Monographic text |