Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 1594 of 1877       

Sargent, Stephen Stansfeld
Social psychology - an integrative interpretation / by S. Stansfeld Sargent
New York - Ronald press, c1950
Monographic text

Sarikakes, Theodoros Ch.
E Chios - historikos, archaiologikos, glossologikos, Chiakai prosopikotetes / Theodorou Ch. Sarikake
Nea Yorke - Ekdotheisa, 1950
Monographic text

Sarle, Charles F.
Sampling plans and data collection in marketing research surveys / Charles F. Sarle
Philadelphia - National Analysts, c1954
Monographic text

Sarnat, Bernard George
The temporomandibular joint / edited by Bernard G. Sarnat
Springfield - Charles C Thomas, c1951
Monographic text

Sarno, Art
( Notables review Columbus day parade - ... Averell Harriman, center, ... , Grand marshall Fortuna Pope, left, President of the Columbus citizens committee, and Italian ambassador Manlio Brosio, stand in salute to the flag during today's parade, marking the 463rd anniversary of the discovery of America) / photo by Art Sarno
(New York) - International news photos, 1955
Graphic document

Sarnoff, David
Program for a political offensive against world communism / a memorandum by David Sarnoff
New York? - s. n. , 1955
Monographic text

Sarnoff, David
Progress in electronics / address by David Sarnoff
Hot Spring - Life insurance association of America, 1952
Monographic text

Saroyan, William
The bicycle rider in Beverly Hills / William Saroyan
New York - Charles Scribner's sons, 1952
Monographic text

Saroyan, William
The twin adventures - The adventures of William Saroyan, a diary - The adventures of Wesley Jackson, a novel. / by William Saroyan
New York - Harcourt, Brace, 1950
Monographic text

Sarton, George (1884-1956)
Ancient science and modern civilization / George Sarton
(Lincoln - University of Nebraska press, ©1954
Monographic text

Sarton, George (1884-1956)
(1)- Ancient science through the golden age of Greece / by George Sarton
Cambridge, (Mass.) - Harvard University press, 1952
It's a part of > A history of science / by George Sarton
Monographic text

Sarton, George (1884-1956)
The appreciation of ancient and medieval science during the Renaissance - (1450-1600) / by George Sarton
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania press, 1955
Monographic text

Sarton, George (1884-1956)
Galen of Pergamon / by George Sarton
Lawrence - University of Kansas Press, 1954
Monographic text

Sarton, George (1884-1956)
A guide to the history of science - a first guide for the study of the history of science, with introductory essays on science and tradition / by George Sarton
Waltham (Mass.) - Chronica botanica, 1952
Monographic text

Sarton, George (1884-1956)
A guide to the history of science - a first guide for the study of the historyof science, with introductory essays on science and tradition / by George Sarton
New York - The Ronald press company, copyr. 1952
Monographic text

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