Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 1595 of 1877       

Sartre, Jean-Paul
Literary Essays. / Jean-Paul Sartre
New York - The Wisdom Library/A Division of Philosophical Library, 1955
Monographic text

Sasse, Arthur
( Lodge demands U. N. actions for 13 Americans ... ) / photo by Arthur Sasse
New York - International news photos, 1954
Graphic document

Sasse, Arthur
New York - Henry Cabot dinnanzi alle 2.400 pagine dei rapporti distribuiti oggi dal Comitato per il disarmo delle cinque nazioni / photo by Arthur Sasse
New York - International news photos, 1955
Graphic document

Sasse, Arthur
(A soldier of the quenn at PS-15 / Arthur Sasse)
New York - International news photos, 1955
Graphic document

Satie, Erik
Socrate - Symphonic drama - (with text based on the dialogues of Plato) / Erik Satie ; Paris Philharmonic Orchestra ; conducted by Rene Leibowitz
Hollywood - Counterpoint/Esoteric Records, (1952?)
Audio recording

Sattler, Henry V. (n. 1917)
Parents, children and the facts of life - a text on sex education for christian parents and for those concerned with halping parents / by Henry V. Sattler ; with a foreword by Francis J. Connell
Paterson - st. Anthony Guild Press, 1952
Monographic text

Sattler, Hubert
Basedows disease / by H. Satterl ; English translation by G.W. and J.F. Marchand
New York - Grune & Stratton, 1952
Monographic text

Sattler, William Martin
Discussion and conference / William M. Sattler, N. Edd Miller
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice Hall, 1954
Monographic text

Satzenhofer, Jakob
24 studies - for bassoon / Jakob Satzenhofer ; Edited by Simon Kovar
New York - International Music Company, c1950

Saucier, Ted
Ted Saucier's Bottoms up / with illustrations by eleven of America's most distinguished artists- Arthur William Brown ... (and others) ; cover design by Al Dorne ; decorations by Russell Patterson
New York - Greystone Press, 1954
Monographic text

Saucier, W. A.
Theory and practice in the elementary school / by W. A. Saucier
New York - Macmillan company, c1951
Monographic text

Saucier, Walter J.
Principles of meteorological analysis / by Walter J. Saucier
Chicago - The University of Chicago Press, c1955
Monographic text

Sauer, Carl Ortwin
Agricultural origins and dispersals / by Carl O. Sauer
New York - The American geographical society, 1952
Monographic text

Sauerwein, Henry Andrew
Agrippa D'Aubigne's Les tragiques - a study in structure and poetic method / Henry Andrew Sauerwein
Baltimore - John Hopkins press, 1953
Monographic text

Saul, Leon J.
Bases of human behavior - a biologic approach to psychiatry / Leon J. Saul
Philadelphia ; London ; Montreal - J. B. Lippincott Company, c1951
Monographic text

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