Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1242 of 2181       

George, Henry
Progresso e povertà - Indagine sulle cause delle crisi industriali e dell'aumento della povertà in mezzo all'aumento della ricchezza, Il rimedio / Trad. di Ludovico Eusebio
New York - Schalkenbach Foundation, 1963
Monographic text

George, Henry
Protection ou libre-echange - examen de la question du tarif en ce qui concerne les intérêts des travailleurs / Henry George ; traduit de l'anglais et précédé d'une préface par Louis Vossion
New York - R. Schalkenbach Foundation, 1965
Monographic text

George, Margaret
The warped vision - British Foreign Policy, 1933-1939 / Margaret George
Pittsburgh - University of Pittsburgh Press, c1965
Monographic text

George, Mary Dorothy
London life in the eighteenth century / Dorothy M. George
New York - Penguin Books, 1965
Monographic text

Georgetown University - Center for strategic studies
NATO in quest of cohesion - a confrontation of viewpoints at the Center for Strategic Studies Georgetown University / edited by Karl H. Cerny and Henry W. Briefs ; foreword by general Lauris Norstad
New York ; Washington ; London - Published for the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace by Frederick A. Praeger, 1965
Monographic text

Georgetown university round table on language and linguistics (1965 ; Washington)
Report of the sixteenth annual round table meeting on linguistics and language studies / Charles W. Kreidler editor
New York - Kraus reprint, 1971
Monographic text

Georgetown university round table on languages and linguistics (1963 ; Washington)
Report of the fourteenth annual round table meeting on linguistics and language studies / Robert J. Di Pietro editor
Washington - Georgetown university press, 1963
Monographic text

Georgetown university round table on languages and linguistics (1964 ; Washington)
Report of the fifteenth annual (first international) round table meeting on linguistics and language studies / C. I. J. M. Stuart editor
New York - Kraus reprint, 1976
Monographic text

Georgiadis, Hourmouzis George
Balance of payments equilibrium - a theoretical and empirical study / Hourmouzis George Georgiadis
Pittsburgh - University of Pittsburgh press, c1964
Monographic text

Ger'E, S. V.
Russko-ital'janskij slovar / otvetstvennyj redaktor B. N. Maizel'
(Moskva) - Gosudarstevennoe izd. inostrannyh i nacional'nyh slovarej, (1963)
Monographic text

Gerald, J. Edward
The social responsibility of the press / J. Edward Gerald
Minneapolis - University of Minnesota press, 1963
Monographic text

Gerard, George
Aerospace pressure vessel design synthesis / by George Gerard
Washington, D. C. - NASA, 1965
Monographic text

Gerassi, John
The great fear / John Gerassi.
Monographic text

Gerassi, John
The Great fear - the reconquest of Latin America by Latin Americans / John Gerassi
New York - The Macmilan company, c1963
Monographic text

Gerassi, John
The great fear in Latin America / John Gerassi
New York - Collier books ; London - Collier-Macmillan, 1965
Monographic text

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