Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1243 of 2181       

Gerber, Albert B.
Sex, pornography and justice / Albert B. Gerber
New York - Lyle Stuart, 1965
Monographic text

Gerber, Philip L.
Theodore Dreiser / by Philip L. Gerber
New York - Twayne, c1964
Monographic text

Gere, James M.
Analysis of framed structures / James M. Gere and William Weaver Jr
Princeton etc. - Van Nostrand, c1965
Monographic text

Gere, James M.
Matrix algebra for engineers / James M. Gere and William Weaver Jr
Princeton (etc.) - D. Van Nostrand, c1965
Monographic text

Gere, James M.
Moment distribution / James M. Gere
Princeton (N.J.) - D. Van Nostrand, c1963
Monographic text

Gerevini, Silvano
The organization and problems of university libraries in Italy / Silvano Gerevini
(Urbana-Champain) - University of Illinois, 1964
Monographic text

Gerhard, George B.
Robert Penn Warren's "All the king's men" / George B. Gerhard
New York - Monarch press, c1965
Monographic text

Gerhardt, Carl Immanuel
Geschichte der Mathematik in Deutschland / von C. I. Gerhardt
New York ; London - J. Reprint Corporation, 1965
Monographic text

Gerlach, E.
On spectral representation for selfadjoint operators - expansion in generalized eigenelements / Eberhard Gerlach ; Department of mathematics, University of Kansas
Lawrence - (s.n.), 1964
Monographic text

Gerland, Ernst (1838-1910)
Geschichte der Physik von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Ausgange des 18. Jahrhunderts / für die Drucklegung durchges. von H. v. Steinwehr
New York ; London - Johnson Repr. Corporation, 1965
Monographic text

Germain, Clarence B
Programming the IBM 1620 / Clarence B. Germain
Englewood Cliffs (NJ) - Prentice-Hall, 1965
Monographic text

Germane, Gayton E.
Highway transportation management / Gayton Germane, Nicholas Glaskowsky, J. L. Heskett
New York - McGraw-Hill, c1963
Monographic text

The German code of criminal procedure / with an introduction Eberhard Schmidt ; translated by Horst Niebler ; published by the comparative criminal law project of New York university in cooperation with the University of Michigan law school
South Hackensack - Rothman ; London - Sweet & Maxwell, c1965
Monographic text

Gernsheim, Helmut
Creative photography, 1826 to the present / an exhibition from the Gernsheim collection, by Helmut and Alison Gernsheim
Detroit - Wayne State University Press, 1963
Monographic text

Gero, Alexander
Textbook of organic chemistry / Alexander Gero
New York ; London - J. Wiley, c1963
Monographic text

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