Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1475 of 2181       

Khon, Samuel
Synthesis of phosphonic polyesters by transesterification / by Samuel Kohn
Washington, D. C. - NASA, 1965
Monographic text

Khrenov, Leonid Sergeevich
Tables for computing elevations in topographic levelling / L. S. Khrenov ; translated by D. E. Brown
Oxford (etc.) - Pergamon press, 1964
Monographic text

Khvostikov, I. A.
The upper layers of the atmosphere / by I. A. Khvostikov
Washington, D. C. . NASA, 1965
Monographic text

Kieffer, William F.
The mole concept in chemistry / William F. Kieffer
New York - Reinhold Publishing Corp., c1963
Monographic text

Kiell, Norman
Psychiatry and psichology in the visual arts and aesthetics - a bibliography / compiled and ed. by Norman Kiell
Madison - Univ.of Wisconsin, 1965
Monographic text

Kiell, Norman
Psychoanalysis, psychology and literature - a bibliography / compled and ed. by Norman Kiell
Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, 1963
Monographic text

Kiely, Robert
Robert Louis Stevenson and the fiction of adventure / Robert Kiely
Cambridge, MA - Harvard University Press, 1964
Monographic text

Kiely, Robert
Robert Louis Stevenson and the fiction of adventure / Robert Kiely
Cambridge (Massachusetts) - Harvard University Press, 1965
Monographic text

Kienast, Burkhart
Zu einigen Datenformeln aus der früher Isinzeit / Burkhart Kienast
(The place of publication is not referred) - (s.n.), (1965?)
Monographic text

Kier, Porter M.
Echinoid distribution and habits, Key Largo coral reef preserve, Florida / by Porter M. Kier and Richard E. Grant
Washington - Smithsonian Institution, 1965
It's a part of > Smithsonian miscellaneous collections
Monographic text

Kier, Porter M.
Tertiary echinoids from the Caloosahatchee and Tamiami formations of Florida
Washington - Smithsonian Institution, 1963
It's a part of > Smithsonian miscellaneous collections
Monographic text

Kierkegaard, S ren
The concept of irony / Soren Kierkegaard ; translated into english with an introduction and noten by Lee M. Capel
New York - Harper and Row, 1965
Monographic text

Kierkegaard, S ren
The prayers of Kierkegaard / edited and with a new interpretation of his life and thought by Perry D. Lefevre
Chicago - University Press, 1963
Monographic text

Kiev, Ari
Magic, faith, and healing - studies in primitive psychiatry today / Ari kiev
(New York) - Free Press of Glencoe, (1964)
Monographic text

Kiger, Joseph Charles
American learned societies
Washington - Public Affairs Press, 1963
Monographic text

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