Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1476 of 2181       

Kigin, Denis J.
Teacher liability in school-shop accidents / Denis J. Kigin
Ann Arbor - Prakken publ., 1963
Monographic text

Kilby, Peter
African enterprise- the nigerian bread industry / Peter Kilby
Stanford (Calif. - the Hoover institution on war, revolution, and peace, Stanford university, 1965
Monographic text

Killens, John Oliver
And then we heard the thunder / John Oliver Killens
New York - Pocket books, 1964
Monographic text

Killens, John Oliver
Black man's burden / John Oliver Killens
New York - Trident Press, c1965
Monographic text

Killian, Lewis
Racial crisis in America - leadership in conflict / Lewis Killian, Charles Grigg
Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, c1964
Monographic text

Killough, Hugh B.
International economics / Hugh B. Killogh, Lucy W. Killough
Princeton (ecc.) - D. Van Nostrand, 1964
Monographic text

Kilner, Walter John
The human aura / foreword by Leslie Shepard
New York - University Books, 1965
Monographic text

Kilpatrick, Franklin P.
The image of the federal service / Franklin P. Kilpatrick ; Milton C. Cummings ; M. Kent Jennings
Washington - Brookings instiution, 1964
Monographic text

Kilpatrick, Franklin P.
Source book of a study of occupational values and the image of the federal service / Franklin P. Kilpatrick ; Milton C. Cummings ; M. Kent Jennings
Washington, DC - Brookings Inst., 1964
Monographic text

Kilpatrick, William Heard
Philosophy of education / William Heard Kilpatrick
New York - The Macmillan Company, 1963
Monographic text

Kim, Richard E.
The martyred - a novel / Richard E. Kim
New York - G. Braziller, (1964)
Monographic text

Kim, Tai Whan
Description and history of consonant groups from Latin to Italian - a dissertation submitted in partian fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ... / by Tai Whan Kim
Ann Arbor - University Microfilms International, 1975
Monographic text

Kimball, Fiske (1888-1955)
The creation of the rococo / by Friske Kimball
New York - W. W. Norton & Co., 1964
Monographic text

Kimball, Stanley Buchholz
Czech nazionalism - a study of national theatre movement, 1845-83
Urbana - University of Illinois Press, 1964
Monographic text

Kimbrough, Ralph B.
Political power and educational decision-making / Ralph B. Kimbrough
Chicago - Rand McNally, c1964
Monographic text

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