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Springfield, Va - NASA, Scientific and technical information branch, 1979 It's a part of > A compilation and analysis of helicopter handling qualities data / Robert K. Heffley ... (et al.) Monographic text 5- Data base / John Middleton ... (and others) Honolulu - East-west communication institute ; Unesco, 1979 It's a part of > Communication planning simulation-game / John Middleton ... (et al.) Monographic text Data base - a quarterly newsletter of SIGBDP. -vol. 25, n. 4(1994) New York (NY) - ACM, 1971-1994 Magazine 2- Data collection and analysis methods Baltimore (etc.) - University Park Press, c1978 It's a part of > Observing behavior / edited by Gene P. Sackett Monographic text 1- Data compilation / Robert K. Heffley ... ( and others) (Washington, D. C. ) - National aeronautics and space administration, 1979 It's a part of > A compilation and analysis of helicopter handling qualities data / Robert K. Heffley ... (et al.) Monographic text 4- Data structuring / Raymond T. Yeh, editor Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, c1978 It's a part of > Current trends in programming methodology / K. Mani Chandy and Raymond T. Yeh, editors Monographic text Datamation - for managers of information technology worldwide New York - Technical Publishing, 1955 -1998 Magazine David Smith (1906-1965) - M. Knoedler & Co., New York, November 21-December 14, 1978 New York - M. Knoedler, 1978 Monographic text The Dawn of modern banking / Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of California, Los Angeles New Haven - Yale University Press, 1979 Monographic text Day book of service at the altar - as lived by Samuel S. Cohon, 1888-1959 The place of publication is not referred - Times mirror press, ©1978 Monographic text The day God Laughed - sayings, Fables and Entertainments of the Jewish Sages / Chosen and translated by Hyam Maccoby; with conversations between Wolf Mankowitz and Hyam Maccoby; illustrations by Cecily Ben-Towim New York - St. Martin's Press, 1978 Monographic text Daylight illumination - color-contrast tables for full-form objects / M.R. Nagel ... (and others) New York - Academic Press, 1978 Monographic text 1- DC Motors and control systems / edited by B.C. Kuo and J. Tal Champaign (Ill.) - SRL, c1978 It's a part of > Incremental motion control Monographic text DC super heroes poster book / introduction by Isaac Asimov New York - Harmony, c1978 Monographic text De fide et symbolo ; De fide et operibus ; De agone christiano ; De continentia ; De bono coniugali ; De sancta virginitate ; De bono vidvitatis ; De adulterinis coniugiis lib. ; De mendacio contra mendacium ; De opere monachorum ; De divinatione daemonum ; De cura pro mortis gerenda ; De patientia / recensuit Iosephus Zycha New York ; London - Johnson reprint, 1979 It's a part of > Sancti Aureli Augustini opera Monographic text |